How to configure a PCoIP Zero Client to auto-connect to a Remote Workstation Card
Answer: To enable auto connect, you need to peer the PCoIP Zero Client to the Remote Workstation Card. You will need the IP and MAC of the host. You enter this in the PCoIP Zero Client's configuration (On Screen Display or Administrative Web Interface), …
ICMP packets are being send from the machine at the start of the PCoIP session
Problem At the start of a PCoIP session a network trace or firewall logs are recording ICMP packet being sent from the machine. Further investigation shows they are from the PCoIP Server process. PCoIP server logs show a trace route log of up to 30 hops. …
How do I improve performance when dragging a window on the screen using firmware pre-4.1.0 and without a PCoIP Hardware Accelerator installed?
Problem While there are many factors that determine desktop performance - see  PCoIP TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: VMware View Virtual desktop performance  - lower performance of window dragging may be observed in the following environment: VMware Horizon View …
Why do I still see VDM Server Address Cache addresses after clearing the Trusted Connection Server Cache?
Answer: The VDM Server Address Cache is a list of servers that are populated either manually from the AWI and OSD or via a Profile push from the Management Console. This field value can be set to either Last Server Used or Read Only. If set to Last Server …
Sample CentOS 7.4 DHCP configuration file for PCoIP Management Console auto discovery
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a sample DHCP configuration for auto discovery of the PCoIP Management Console 2.x and newer. In this set up the following were deployed: CentOS 7.4 VM hosted on ESXi 5.5 server. Configured the CentOS VM with two …
How do I update the HP Anyware registration code in HP Anyware Manager?
This article illustrates how to update the HP Anyware registration code in HP Anyware Manager. The steps in this article are for Microsoft Azure only.   Requirements HP Anyware Manager has been deployed, up and running. Admin access to HP Anyware Manager …
How do I disable login username caching on a PCoIP Zero Client?
On a PCoIP Zero Client, username caching is set in the advanced options and can be disabled from the OSD Screen, the Administrative Web Interface (AWI), or the PCoIP Management Console.    From the OSD Screen: Under Options, select Configuration In the …
How to upload provisioning template and post script files to customer storage in HP Anyware Connectors for Azure
HP Anyware has changed the file names, locations and install paths of the PCoIP Agents. This KB provides instructions on how to update previously installed HP Anyware Connectors for Azure with these new locations to ensure that new remote workstations use …