Client SDK for Windows Developers' Guide

About the Anyware Client SDK for Windows

The Client SDK for Windows does not ship with its own session client binary; it uses the standard Anyware Software Client for Windows binary instead. Therefore, you must first download and install the Anyware client application, and then invoke it from the SDK.

Important: If you have used previous versions of the Client SDK for Windows

Prior to the 23.01 release, the Client SDK for Windows shipped with an included session client binary. If you are coming from a previous release, you should install the Anyware Software Client for Windows, and update your code to use the new file location.

Invoking the Anyware client

  1. Ensure that you installed the Anyware client. For more information, see "Installing the Anyware Software Client for Windows" in the Anyware Software Client for Windows Administrators' Guide.

  2. Invoke the in-session Anyware client from the Command-line using the following command:

    %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Teradici\PCoIP Client\bin\pcoip_client.exe --log-id [log-id] --connect-tag [connect-tag] --sni [sni] --session-id [session-id] --port [port] --address [ip-address]

    Where the following parameters can be configured:

    • log-id
    • connect-tag
    • sni
    • session-id
    • port
    • ip-address

    Parameters descriptions are available in the topic "Configurable Settings" in the Anyware Software Client for Windows Administrators' Guide.

    In this example command, the log ID is set to abcde1234 at the time of invoking the in-session Anyware client:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Client\bin\pcoip_client.exe --log-id abcde1234
  3. Complete the configuration. After the PCoIP connection is established, several options are available from the in-session client. For details, see the URI configuration options described in the Anyware Software Client for Windows Administrators' Guide.

The following topics contain information related to invoking the Broker Client Example as well as the Collaboration Broker Client Example:

Note: Information on Out-of-the-box Examples

The Client SDK for Windows comes with the Broker Client Example and the Collaboration Broker Client Example out of the box. The following topics contain instructions on invoking these examples:

Last updated: Thursday, July 18, 2024