HP Anyware Administrators' Guide
This release is in Beta. Beta software is not fully supported, and may be incomplete or unstable. It is not intended for use in production systems. We welcome your feedback on this release! Send feedback to anyware-beta-feedback@hp.com.

GPO template files are automatically imported by the Graphics Agent for Windows installer, except on domain controllers. You must manually import the files into the domain controller's Group Policy Editor.

To import the template on a domain controller:

  1. Copy the admx file from

    C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\configuration\policyDefinitions\PCoIP.admx


  2. Copy the adml file from

    C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\configuration\policyDefinitions\en-US\PCoIP.adml



Last updated: Saturday, November 16, 2024