HP Anyware Administrators' Guide
This release is in Beta. Beta software is not fully supported, and may be incomplete or unstable. It is not intended for use in production systems. We welcome your feedback on this release! Send feedback to anyware-beta-feedback@hp.com.

Handling GPU Configuration Problems

If you are experiencing performance issues with your agent system, or believe that your displays are not being accelerated by your Graphics cards as expected, there may be a configuration or licensing issue. The Graphics Agent includes tools designed to help diagnose configuration problems.

Identifying Non-Accelerated Displays

If there are problems with a GPU's configuration or licensing, the Graphics Agent will not be able to accelerate some or all of your displays. Affected displays will continue to work, but in a degraded, non-accelerated state.

Displays that are operating in this fallback state show a small yellow marker in the top-right corner.

Displays which are working properly do not show an indicator.

Tip: Disabling non-accelerated displays

If you would rather non-accelerated displays be disabled entirely, you can change the fallback mode by editing a registry key.

Troubleshooting GRID Status Indicators

Note: Recommendations may also work for troubleshooting non-GRID status indicators

Although the following recommendations address GRID configuration issues, their equivalents may also help for non-GRID GPUs (including the AMD technology preview). HP's general advice is to ensure that your GPU card and driver version is supported, restart your PCoIP session, and retry when necessary.

A yellow status indicator indicates that a display is not GPU-accelerated and is using fallback behavior. If you see a yellow status indicator, it is most most likely caused by a GRID licensing issue or limitation of the allocated GRID profile.

Here are some recommendations for addressing status indicators:

  • Check the licensing status of the NVIDIA graphic card. For more information, NVIDIA's GRID Licensing Guide.

  • Ensure you have a supported NVIDIA GRID driver installed. Supported driver versions are listed here.

  • If you recently updated your driver and see a yellow status indicator, restart your PCoIP session.

Configuring GPU Status Markers

If required, you can change the status indicator behavior. The possible indicator states are:

Indicator state Description
All indicators off Markers will never be displayed.
Non-GPU indicator only (default) The system shows a yellow marker on each non-accelerated display.
All indicators on Markers will appear on all displays: Yellow markers on each non-accelerated display, and green markers on each accelerated display.

To change how GPU status indicators display:

  1. Open the registry editor on the agent machine:

    1. Press
      + r to open the run dialog
    2. type regedit.exe and press Enter.
  2. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Teradici > PCoIP > pcoip_admin directory.

  3. Right-click the pcoip_admin folder and select New DWORD. Name the new entry pcoip.efe_marker.

  4. Right-click pcoip.efe_marker and select Modify.

  5. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, revise the number in the Value data field:

    • Use 0 to turn off all status markers.

    • Use 1 to display status marker when the system displays a non-GPU display. This is the default setting.

    • Use 2 to turn on all status markers.

  6. Click OK.

Disabling Non-Accelerated Displays

If you would prefer that non-accelerated screens be disabled entirely, configure the pcoip.efe_capture_fallback registry key.

To configure system fallback behavior:

  1. Open the registry editor on the agent machine:

    1. Press
      + r to open the run dialog
    2. type regedit.exe and press Enter.
  2. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Teradici > PCoIP > pcoip_admin directory.

  3. Right-click pcoip.efe_capture_fallback and select Modify.

  4. Set the desired behavior for the Value data field:

    • Use 0 to turn the fallback feature off. Non-accelerated displays will be disabled.

    • Use 1 to turn the fallback feature on. Non-accelerated displays will be used. This is the default setting.

  5. Click OK.

Last updated: Saturday, November 16, 2024