Standard Agent for Windows Administrators' Guide

Updating Smart Card Reader Drivers

Updating Smart Card Drivers

Sometimes, you might encounter the following issues during smart card logon:

  • When Single Sign-On (SSO) is enabled, smart cards are not displayed in the Device Manager list on the remote agent

  • When SSO is disabled, smart cards do not appear on locked screens, and therefore, users cannot use them to unlock the screens

These issues are observed on Windows agents running on Windows Server 2022, and occur because Windows Server 2022 assigns the Microsoft USBCCID Smartcard Reader (UMDF2) driver to the smart cards, instead of the Microsoft USBCCID Smartcard Reader (WUDF) driver, which was automatically assigned in earlier versions.

To avoid this issue, do one of the following:

Assigning the Microsoft Usbccid Smartcard reader (WUDF) driver

  1. Enable SSO.

  2. Start a PCoIP session using smart card authentication.

  3. While in session, open Device Manager and expand Smart card readers.

  4. Right-click Microsoft Usbccid Smartcard Reader (UMDF2) and select Update driver.

  5. Select Browse my computer for drivers.

  6. Select Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer.

  7. Under Model, select Microsoft Usbccid Smartcard reader (WUDF).

  8. Click Next to begin the update.

  9. Once the update is complete, close the window.

  10. Disconnect the PCoIP session.

  11. Start another PCoIP session.

Note Note

Repeat these steps every time the same card reader is plugged in to a different USB port.

Last updated: Saturday, November 16, 2024