Standard Agent for Windows Administrators' Guide

Viewing Windows Event Viewer Anyware Agent Logs

You can view high-level session and connection events generated by the Anyware agent and Anyware Manager in the Windows Event Viewer.

Anyware Agent Events

To view events using the Windows Event Viewer:

  1. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools and double-click Event Viewer.

  2. Navigate to Event Viewer (Local) > Windows Logs, right-click Application, and select Filter Current Log.

  3. In the Event sources drop-down list, select PCoIPAgentService and click OK.

  4. Select an event to view its details.

The next example shows typical Anyware agent session and connection events that you can view in the Windows Event Viewer.

Key events to watch for in the event viewer logs:

Event ID Key Notes
88 SESSION_START The PCoIP session started.
89 SESSION_END The PCoIP session stopped.
91 CONNECTION_TIMEOUT The console session connection timed out.
92 CONNECTION_FAILURE The console session connection failed.
94 SESSION_INTERRUPTION The console session connection was suspended.
95 SERVICE_STARTING PCoIP  Agent service starting.
96 SERVICE_STOPPING PCoIP  Agent service stopping.
99 FLEXERA_SERVICE_ERROR An error in the Revenera service occurred.
100 VCHAN_LOADER_EXCEPTION  An exception was thrown in a PCoIP virtual channel plugin.
101 NO_AGENT_ERROR The Anyware agent process could not be detected.
102 VCHAN_LOADER_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occured.
103 VCHAN_LOADER_BAD_INVOCATION_ERROR The PCoIP virtual channel loader utility was invoked incorrectly.
104 AGENT_PROCESS_TERMINATED_ERROR The Anyware Agent process was terminated.
105 SSO_PIPE_CREATION_ERROR The Single Sign On framework was unable to establish a secure connection with the Anyware Agent.
106 MANUAL_DISCONNECT The PCoIP session was disconnected by the user.
107 USER_SIGNOUT_SWITCH The PCoIP session was disconnected by a user logout or user switch.
108 SHUTDOWN_RESTART_SLEEP The PCoIP session was disconnected by a machine shutdown, restart, or sleep event.
112 SERVICE_START_ERROR PCoIP  Agent service cannot be started.
113 SERVICE_INTERNAL_ERROR The PCoIP Service encountered an internal error.
114 SERVICE_ADMINISTRATIVE_MESSAGE PCoIP service administrative message.
115 SERVICE_SHUTDOWN A shutdown of the server machine was initiated.

Anyware Manager Events

If you are using Anyware Manager to start and stop your host machines, the CAMIdleShutdown process will log events as well. Follow the same procedure

Event ID Description
95 CAM Idle Machine Shutdown service starting
96  CAM Idle Machine Shutdown service stopping
114 Machine will be checked for idle state.
115 Shutting down idle machine.

Last updated: Saturday, November 16, 2024