Can I connect a PCoIP Zero Clients and Remote Workstation Cards via wireless network?
There are a number of options to consider for wireless connection of PCoIP devices such as PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation cards.  Wireless Access Point Use a wireless access point (wireless bridge) to connect a PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP …
Why does my mouse and keyboard not work when connecting to a HP Z420 or Z620 using a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card via a PCoIP Zero Client?
Answer: USB HID devices fail to initialize on PCoIP session start for HP Z420, Z620, Z820 workstations running BIOS 03.18 -3.68. HP has resolved the issue in BIOS release  03.69 Rev. A (9 May 2014). The BIOS file name is sp66326.exe. For more information …
How do I enable NTP on PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards?
Enabling NTP is important on the PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card. NTP is using for the following: Setting the time and date of the PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card. As there is no battery on the devices, the time and …
FAQ's Peripheral Devices
FAQ's - Webcam   General  Health Checks Troubleshooting How to troubleshoot Webcams Webcam will not show under attached devices in Zero Client. Webcam shows status as "Not Supported" in attached device. Webcam shows status as "USB device not supported …
How do I reset the configuration parameters entered on my PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
Answer: There are four ways to reset the PCoIP Zero Client to default settings which are described below. The PCoIP Remote Workstation card (also known as a PCoIP host card) has one reset procedure also described below. Some network information will be …