Why Imported Profile(s) from PCoIP Management Console 1.x/2.x to PCoIP Management Console 3.x cannot be applied? Status shows skipped.
Scenario Imported a profile from PCoIP Management Console 1.x /2.x  to PCoIP Management Console 3.x where firmware 6.0.0 is the only uploaded version in Settings -> Software. Pushing the profile to PCoIP Zero Clients results in a 'skipped' status.   Cause …
Unable to start docker containers connector_cm and connector_connectorgateway during HP Anyware Connector installation
In Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS or Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS setting up HP Anyware Connector, if IPV6 was disabled in the vm  those 2 containers will always fail to start. During the installation or reinstallation of the HP Anyware Connector, connector_cm and …
Management Console profile is not applied to the Remote Workstation Card
Applying a Profile to a Remote Workstation Card from PCoIP Management Console will be unsuccessful if the Enable Audio setting on the Remote Workstation Card has never been enabled (default is disabled) or the Remote Workstation Card has not had the …
Why my HP anyware Connector (CACv2) does not connect after the recent Ubuntu 18.04 OS Nov-13-2019 Update?
The latest patch release of Ubuntu 18.04 (Nov-13 patch) will break CAM CACv2 connectivity. Affected Ubuntu 18.04 OS patch version: Nov-13-2019 release:  ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20191113 ubuntu-os-cloud ubuntu-1804-lts Recommendation: If you experience this …
What does GSOAP :tera_gsoap_tls_shutdown: tera_rtos_event_get timeout mean in the log?
Problem Message GSOAP :tera_gsoap_tls_shutdown: tera_rtos_event_get timeout is found in host or client log file.   Cause GSOAP is the protocol used by the PCoIP Management Console 1.x. This error is caused by a socket being opened by GSOAP and not closed …
Management Console profile with blacklisted ciphers fails to apply to Remote Workstation Card
If a Management Console profile is configured to blacklist any of the following Remote Workstation Card ciphers, the profile application will fail on Remote Workstation Cards running firmware 21.01 or newer. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 …
AD credentials can be leaked from the Management Interface for HP Anyware Connector (current and legacy)
Summary   An insufficiently protected credentials vulnerability has been identified in the Management Interface of the HP Anyware Connector and the HP Anyware Connector Legacy for releases from April 20, 2020 and earlier (v15 and earlier for HP Anyware …
Password reset failure while using Leostream
Summary This concerns a password complexity requirement not being met when a user attempts to reset their Zero Client password, with the involvement of the Leostream broker. Shows the status when initiates session. Diagnostic returns: Pass: Password …