Release Notes
License Server for Linux 22.07
Version 22.07 of the PCoIP License Server is released to maintain version parity with other components. There are no feature or behavior changes from the previous version.
PCoIP Agent and PCoIP License Server commands have the same name
When both the PCoIP Agent and PCoIP License Server are installed on the same machine, they will both try and create the command pcoip-list-licenses and pcoip-support-bundle, which causes one to overwrite the other's command. Whichever is installed or updated last will be the one that the command will map to.
It is advised not to install the PCoIP License Server and PCoIP Agent on the same machine
Sudden shutdown of the PCoIP License Server can cause database corruption
If the license server is shut down suddenly and cannot be shut down cleanly, the trusted storage database may become corrupted. A corrupted database will prevent the flexnetls-TERADICI service from starting.
When the flexnetls-TERADICI service cannot start due to a corrupted database, you will see various error messages in the log file at /var/log/flexnetls-TERADICI/pcoip-license-server.log. Example messages: "FATAL Encryption error in file null", or "ERROR flexnetls_licenses:database flush".
Delete the trusted storage, and re-start the flexnetls-TERADICI service. Instructions can be found in the Teradici License Server Administrator's Guide (Troubleshooting --> General Issues --> To rebuild the trusted storage database).
License Server may fail to upgrade
License Server fails to upgrade if
- You initially deployed License Server 2.0 prior to February 2018 (version Beta)
- AND you upgraded once to either version (stable) or (stable)
If this applies to you, follow the workaround steps below prior to upgrading the License Server.
Online License Server workaround:
- Stop license Server
sudo systemctl stop flexnetls-TERADICI
- remove trusted storage
sudo rm -rf /var/opt/flexnetls/
- Upgrade license server
sudo yum upgrade pcoip-license-server
- Once the new license server is installed and started, change the default password and check the licenses. It should have the same licenses as before
sudo pcoip-set-password -p 1P@ssw0rd!
Verify license is available.
Offline License Server workaround:
- Return the license first
pcoip-activate-offline-license -g -a KEY -c 0
Copy the binary file to internet access machine and upload the binary file to Copy the response file to the license server
pcoip-activate-offline-license -r FILE
Verify license is returned by running pcoip-view-license
- Stop license Server
sudo systemctl stop flexnetls-TERADICI
- remove trusted storage
sudo rm -rf /var/opt/flexnetls/
Upgrade license server. Please review Offline license server administrator guide for installation instructions
Activate the license again.