Release Notes

Software Client for Windows 24.03.4

Release 24.03.4 of the Software Client for Windows is a maintenance release which replaces and deprecates 24.03.3.

It includes the following:

  • Bug fixes and security updates.

Previous release information:

Release 24.03.3 of the Software Client for Windows is a maintenance release which replaces and deprecates 24.03.2.

It includes the following:

  • Bug fixes and security updates.

Previous release information:

Release 24.03 of the Standard Agent for Windows includes:

Smart Cards Authentication for Enhanced Security

Version 24.03 of the Graphics Agent introduces support smart card authentication. Linux client machines connecting to agent machines can now connect using smart cards for authentication and SSO (single sign-on). Additionally, agents can read and process smart card information for in-session tasks such as document signing.

Smart card authentication not only adds a layer of security, but also ensures simplified identity management while accessing PCoIP deployments. For information on agent setup required for smart cards authentication, see Configuring the Agent for Smart Card Authentication.

Note: Smart card authentication is only supported in deployments where Linux clients connect to Windows Standard agents or Windows Graphics agents.

Resolved Issues

Anyware Client Stopped Responding While Connecting to macOS Agent


The Anyware Client crashed while attempting to connect to macOS Agent or Linux Agent via Anyware Connector using Federated authentication.

Issue with stylus inputs and cursor when Wacom tablet was in left-handed mode 


Stylus inputs and cursor were not functioning properly when the Wacom tablet was in left-handed mode with the Anyware client running in full-screen mode across all monitors. This issue has now been fixed.

Error message when the new password did not meet complexity requirements


An error was shown when the new password did not meet the complexity requirements. This issue has now been fixed.

Known Issues

Multiple Anyware Client Application Icons Appear on the Windows Taskbar


The Anyware Client for Windows may appear as a second Anyware logo on the Windows Taskbar when opened.  This will appear as a second Anyware logo, in addition to the pinned application shortcut added by the Anyware Client Installer.


Don't remove the pinned Anyware Client (PCoIP Client) application icon located on your taskbar.  The additional icon that appears when the application is running can not be pinned, if you delete the pinned icon there will be no Anyware Client shortcut on the toolbar

If you do delete the pinned application icon, it can be added back by opening the application from the Start Menu, find the Anyware Client in the Windows Start Menu and select "Pin to Taskbar".

If you find that a command line window appears after pinning the application to the toolbar, un-pin the application and add the pin back from the Windows Start Menu as described above.

Caps Lock and Kana state can go out-of-sync when a Japanese keyboard is used


When a Japanese keyboard is used on the client side in a PCoIP session, the Caps Lock state can be out-of-sync on the host side if the Caps Lock key is pressed outside of the PCoIP client window.


On the client machine, set the input language to non-Japanese when a Japanese keyboard is used.

Do not press the Caps Lock key outside of the PCoIP client window when a Japanese keyboard is used.

If the Caps Lock state is out-of-sync inside a PCoIP session, disconnect and reconnect to the host.

Microphone Does not Function with Kaspersky Anti-Virus


On Windows Client running on a desktop with Kaspersky Anti-Virus installed, forwarding of a local microphone to the remote desktop may be blocked.  If this happens, the microphone cannot be used in the PCoIP session and Kaspersky Anti-Virus shows that {}"{}Receiving the audio stream for the application is blocked."


The PCoIP Client must be whitelisted in Kaspersky Anti-Virus in order to allow the audio stream for the application to be forwarded.  Refer to Kaspersky for instructions on how to whitelist an application for audio stream access.

The name of network shown in Anyware Health Monitor does not change during a session


In Anyware Health Monitor, the name of network shown will not change during a session even if the actual network changes.

For example, if an ethernet cable is pulled out and the system switches to WiFi, the name of network will not change in the Anyware Health Monitor display until the session is disconnected and reconnected.

When entering credentials, pressing Enter in Username field does not advance cursor to Password field


Pressing Enter on the Username field does not advance the text entry cursor to the Password field.


Use the Tab button or mouse to move from the Username field to the Password field.

Intel UHD driver causes Windows memory leak


Intel UHD driver version causes a memory leak with PCoIP Software Client for Windows. When this occurs, the client system will slow significantly and may require a restart to recover.

This issue impacts Intel Integrated GPUs when used with 4k (UHD) monitors. 

Other driver versions may also have this issue.


To avoid this issue, install an Intel UHD driver that is not affected:

  • Version or earlier, or
  • version or later.

Updating the driver to a version that is not affected resolves the issue.

Resizing collaboration session window causes crash


Re-sizing the PCoIP Client window while participating in a PCoIP Ultra Collaboration session may cause the PCoIP client to crash.


Avoid re-sizing client window size while participating in a PCoIP Ultra Collaboration session.

If this occurs, re-start the collaboration session by sending a new invitation to the Guest Collaborator.

Audio Input from microphone may stop after a long period of inactivity.


The microphone for a remote session may stop working if not used for a long period of time.

Audio output may stop working when switching devices


After switching to a different audio output device while connected to a remote desktop, audio output from the PCoIP client may stop.


Disconnect and reconnect the session after switching audio devices.

Audio disappears when audio-in is enabled


Audio output to speakers or a headset would stop after using audio input from a microphone.

Keyboard and Mouse Freeze when Connected to Remote Workstation Card in Windowed Mode


Keyboard and Mouse can freeze when connected to a Remote Workstation Card while the Soft Client is in windowed mode.


If this occurs, switch the client to full-screen mode to reestablish Keyboard and Mouse functionality.

Audio output may randomly stop


While connected to a remote desktop the audio output on the PCoIP client may stop.


Disconnect and reconnect the session after switching audio devices.

USB driver conflicts with NoMachine software


The USB driver installed with the PCoIP Software Client for Windows has a driver conflict with the USB driver used by the NoMachine remoting software.


Remove the NoMachine software before installing the PCoIP client.

Difficulty in exceeding 150Mbps throughput on Windows


On an otherwise clean, high-bandwidth capable network, a Windows client may experience sufficient PCoIP packet loss to limit throughput to approximately 150Mbps.


Windows Update and/or NIC driver updates can reconfigure settings such that UDP throughput is affected. Always ensure the latest drivers from the manufacturer are being used, as well as ensure that Flow Control and Interrupt Moderation are enabled for the NIC used to establish any PCoIP sessions. (These can be found the NIC's Advanced Properties tab within Windows' Device Manager.)

Bridged USB devices disconnected when switching to Windowed Mode


When the client has more than one monitor, switching from Full-screen to Windowed mode will disconnect all bridged USB devices.

Incompatibility between PCoIP Software Client for Windows and virtual KVM application Synergy


There is a known incompatibility between PCoIP Software Client for Windows and the virtual KVM application Synergy ( The Synergy application can interfere with the keyboard handling of the PCoIP client and cause sometimes a single or no keypresses to be transmitted to the PCoIP agent. This issue was observed with Synergy 2016 and may be present with other Synergy releases.


Disable Synergy when using the PCoIP client.

Wacom Intuos Pro and Intuos 5 tablets cannot be bridged


These tablets work as a pointing device when a session is not active, and when the tablet is not bridged while a session is active. When the tablet is bridged, the device manager application running on the remote host displays a warning icon next to the tablet and the tablet does not work.

Intuos PTH-660 and PTH-860 tablets are not impacted by this issue.


Avoid bridging Intuos Pro and Intuos 5 tablets.

Cancelling large USB file transfer fails


Cancelling a large file from being copied to, or from, a USB flash drive while bridged in PCoIP Software Client fails to function. The file will continue to copy until finished.


Allow operations on USB devices to complete prior to disconnecting the session.

SanDisk Cruzer USB devices do not work if the PCoIP session is disconnected while a file transfer is in progress


SanDisk Cruzer USB devices do not successfully re-bridge after the PCoIP session was disconnected during an active file transfer.


Avoid disconnecting the device or the session while file transfers are in progress. If a disconnection does occur while transfers are in progress, physically unplug and reconnect the device to the client. If the device fails to mount as a mass storage device after the previous step:

  1. Find the SanDisk Cruzer in Device Manager.
  2. Right-click on the device and select Uninstall.
  3. After uninstall completes, physically unplug and reconnect the device to the client.

USB keyboards do not work in bridged mode


Keyboards do not work when bridged. This affects both Windows and macOS PCoIP Software Client.


Do not bridge the keyboard. Keyboards function correctly when locally terminated.

Client window size is not remembered when crossing multiple monitors


When stretching the client window across multiple monitors, client window size is not remembered for session reconnects.

Mouse out of sync due to scaling in dual high-resolution displays


Connecting a PCoIP Software Client session with dual high-resolution displays in full-screen mode (2560x1600 for example) to a hard host that does not support high-resolution displays may result in unexpected behavior. For example, one or both displays may be scaled to single link DVI resolutions without the client also scaling, resulting in unsynchronized mouse movement.


Set client desktop to single link DVI resolutions. Alternatively, upgrade host GPU to support dual-link resolutions (Tera2 hosts only)

Audio input in PCoIP Software Client with PCoIP Remote Workstation Card does not work


When in session with a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card, PCoIP Software Client supports audio out from the host, but not audio into the host.