When connecting to the PCoIP Graphics Agent I only get 1 display when I have 2 or more connected
Problem When connecting to a PCoIP Graphics Agent installed on a machine with an Nvidia GRID K340, Nvidia GRID K520, Nvidia GRID M series or above GPU I only get one display but the PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Software Client has multiple displays …
PCoIP Troubleshooting Steps: IEEE 802.1x Network Authentication
This article provides a brief list of troubleshooting steps for common issues with 802.1x authentication. It is not intended to be a comprehensive troubleshooting guide. These include scenarios for: Problems uploading IEEE 802.1x certificates to PCoIP …
Why are some Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients showing the Online status as "False" in PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x?
This indicates that the Tera 2 PCoIP Zero Client is not being managed by the PCoIP Management Console and can be one of several reasons: Not powered on Firmware has been downgraded to 4.x so no longer manageable by PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x NTP …
Random Session Disconnects due to Spanning Tree Configuration
Scenario PCoIP sessions experience random session disconnects of some or all clients. Re connection is not always possible straight away.   Cause A Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) re-calculation can cause random session disconnects. STP will cause the …
Why does my attempt to change my Active Directory password fail from a PCoIP Zero Client in an Imprivata Onesign environment?
Scenario In an environment containing an Imprivata Onesign appliance, your Imprivata server authenticates you but your Active Directory password change attempts fails after entering a new password at the prompt. You are able to change your password from a …
What is the correct DNS and host file configuration for the Management Console 2.x and 3.x?
Under normal operation of the PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x it is not necessary to modify the hosts file or the hostname. You should assign a static IP address to your PCoIP Management Console and create a DNS "A" record with the hostname and the …