What happens when a PCoIP Packet is lost in transit?
When a PCoIP packet is lost or considered lost, the PCoIP protocol makes an intelligent decision on if the packet should be re-transmitted. PCoIP packets containing audio and sometimes imaging may never be re-transmitted as the next sample of audio or new …
When accessing the support site, cannot download documents or binaries, and never move past the spinning cursor
Symptoms When downloading documents or binaries associated with PCoIP, the support site shows a spinning circle and eventually times out without showing any content.   Causes The page content contained embedded elements that were blocked by some sites. …
Does the PCoIP Host Software work in systems with more than one PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
No, the PCoIP Host Software was not designed to work on systems with more than one PCoIP Remote Workstation Card and therefore is not supported in such environments. If this is a feature you require, see  Feature Requests and Accelerated Development For …
Is there any bandwidth consumed when a PCoIP device is idle?
The idle bandwidth depends on the PCoIP host type. Below are the idle bandwidths for different host types: HP Anyware 2.12 and newer, the idle bandwidth consumed is 1-2 kbps. VMware View 4.5 (using PCoIP Software 3.5) and earlier, the idle bandwidth …
Installing Certificates to secure PCoIP devices or applications
PCoIP Components   PCoIP Product  Version Instructions PCoIP Client Device used by the end user to access a remote desktop or remote workload from the PCoIP Host Hardware based Zero clients are offered by many different vendors.  Software and Mobile …
Why are some resolutions not available in the OSD but are listed as available in the PCoIP Zero Client Administrator's Guide?
This article is applicable to PCoIP Zero Clients that have DVI ports. To see all the supported resolutions in the OSD as listed in the PCoIP Zero Client Administrators' Guide ( GUI Reference > Configuring OSD Display Settings > OSD Dual-display: Display …
AD credentials can be leaked from the Management Interface for HP Anyware Connector (current and legacy)
Summary   An insufficiently protected credentials vulnerability has been identified in the Management Interface of the HP Anyware Connector and the HP Anyware Connector Legacy for releases from April 20, 2020 and earlier (v15 and earlier for HP Anyware …