Why can't I change the display resolution in Windows when using HP Anyware on Windows?
Problem When connected to a remote machine via HP Anyware on Windows, opening the display settings results in greyed out options and a message "Some settings are controlled by your system administrator". You cannot change the screen resolution, select the …
Black screen on my locally connected monitor on a physical workstation after remotely connecting to a PCoIP session
Problem A black screen displays on a monitor connected to a workstation that had a previous or active remote PCoIP session established. In a typical scenario, A remote worker establishes a PCoIP connection from his home to their office workstation that …
Why has my PCoIP Client display temporarily shown a black screen?
Scenario While in a PCoIP session, the display(s) temporarily go black for a few seconds (typically 1-5 seconds) and then resumes normal operation. Occasionally the screen may be briefly frozen instead of turning black.   Cause This entry signifies that …
PCoIP TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: VMware View Virtual desktop performance
This article provides a brief list of general troubleshooting steps for performance issues on virtual desktops. Scenarios covered include: Video slicing or tearing. Screen (or parts of the screen) becomes fuzzy screen and then clears up. Slow screen …
PCoIP display is 'blurry' and the image is of lower than expected quality
Problem When using PCoIP the display is 'blurry' or of low quality. The display may be persistently blurry or is blurry intermittently and slow.    Cause Typically a blurry screen is due to the lack of bandwidth. Throughout a PCoIP session, PCoIP network …
What does the yellow marker mean on the top right of the screen when using the PCoIP Graphics Agent?
Problem During a PCoIP session there is a yellow marker on the top right of one or more displays. The yellow marker indicates that the PCoIP Graphics Agent is experiencing issues with the GPU configuration and has fallen back to non-accelerated …
What does the 'No source signal' message mean?
The answer depends on what type of host the PCoIP Zero Client is connected to.  VMware View 4.5 or newer The message "no source signal" appears as an overlay when the VMware View virtual desktop puts the monitors to sleep.  Pressing a key or moving the …
Why does an EDID read failure cause my display attached to the PCoIP Zero Client to using a lower resolution than expected.
Problem The monitor attached to the PCoIP Zero Client is using a resolution much lower than expected.  The attached devices on the AWI \u2192 Info \u2192 Attached devices show EDID read failure. The Display Topology section in the zero client log file …
Why do I get a gray screen when connecting from the HP Anyware PCoIP Software Client to a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
Answer: To resolve this issue, please make sure that you have the following installed and set correctly on the host PC/workstation - i.e. a computer with a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card (host card) installed: The host card should be running PCoIP firmware …
How do I access CTRL-ALT-DEL on a touchscreen monitor with Windows 7?
Answer: In Windows 7 environments where a touchscreen monitor uses the onscreen keyboard, consider enabling CTRL+ALT+ DEL, also known as the Secure Attention Sequence (SAS): Log in to the remote workstation or virtual desktop with the appropriate …