Do all log entries marked (CAUTION!) indicate a possible critical issue?
No, log entries marked with (CAUTION!) are not necessarily a critical issue. The case below states such a case but it is still essential to note these log entries could be indicative of a potential issue.   Scenario 1 You see caution errors similar to the …
When using Management Console 3.0.0 I am not able to manage zero clients?
Impacts:   PCoIP Management Console 3.0.0 Scenario: When migrating from Management Console 2.x to Management Console 3.0.0 many zero clients fail to connect to the management console. If the management console is power cycled the zero clients are now able …
Cannot import profile from Management Console 1.x into the PCoIP Management Console 2.x or 3.x
Answer : Importing Profiles from MC 1.x into MC 2.x is supported and documented in the user guide. Refer to the Administrators' guide for the release of the PCoIP Management Console in use. There have been a couple reports of users experiencing an issue …
How do I make PCoIP Remote Workstation Card USB devices work on my Fujitsu CELSIUS R930 workstation?
Answer: If USB devices won't work on a R930, move the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card to a PCIe slot that is serviced by a populated CPU socket. Why this is necessary: The R930 has two sockets. If the unit ships with only one socket populated (a single …
Do PCoIP Zero Clients support VLAN tagging?
HP Anyware PCoIP Zero Clients do not support VLAN tagging. If an environment requires VLAN tagging, tagging will need to be performed on a network device's (switch / router) through configuration as as placing the port in access mode and tagging the …
Profile application to Remote Workstation Card fails
Scenario : The remote workstation card is at a factory default. You set a basic Profile in the management console and apply the Profile. The Profile application fails. If you check the management console, there is no clue as to why the Profile failed. If …
Troubleshooting a minidump (.dmp) file
When a HP Anyware software product experiences an issue and exits unexpectedly, a "miniDump" (.dmp) file is created. The file contains information as to the state of the application when it exits unexpectedly. MiniDump files have an associated log file, …
The incorrect workstation powers on when trying to connect to a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card from a PCoIP Zero Client
Problem You might encounter the following problem if you use a PCoIP Zero Client to switch between workstations, i.e. computers with a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card (host card) installed: the first workstation wakes up and connects normally, but the …
What are the limitations of configuring active directory with Management Console?
PCoIP Management Console 3.2.x has important limitations which need to be considered before using this feature in your deployment.   Active Directory users must be assigned to a Security Group. Only supports one active domain at a time. Does not support …