How to use the HP Anyware Licensing Portal
The HP Anyware Licensing Portal provides secure access to the list of licenses and can be used by the company's assigned Account Administrator. The Account Administrator role can be fulfilled by one central administrator or can be distributed across …
Cannot connect to session: Client shows licensing-related errors, or error 0x1002
Problem When attempting to establish a remote connection using a PCoIP client, the connection fails and one of these error messages appears: PCoIP Agent has no available licenses to launch the remote session. Please try again later. This desktop has no …
Why can't I change the display resolution in Windows when using HP Anyware on Windows?
Problem When connected to a remote machine via HP Anyware on Windows, opening the display settings results in greyed out options and a message "Some settings are controlled by your system administrator". You cannot change the screen resolution, select the …
Black screen on my locally connected monitor on a physical workstation after remotely connecting to a PCoIP session
Problem A black screen displays on a monitor connected to a workstation that had a previous or active remote PCoIP session established. In a typical scenario, A remote worker establishes a PCoIP connection from his home to their office workstation that …
How do I turn off temporal dithering in an AMD graphics card?
Follow the instructions below to disable temporal dithering in an AMD GPU installed in your host PC/workstation, or a computer with a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card (host card) installed. If temporal dithering is enabled on a machine using PCoIP, it may …
The impact of graphics card temporal dithering
Temporal dithering is an intentionally applied blurring method used by some graphics cards to increase the amount of color and shading that can be done on a system. It's a trade-off between a little distortion and much smoother looking pictures. During …
Why has my PCoIP Client display temporarily shown a black screen?
Scenario While in a PCoIP session, the display(s) temporarily go black for a few seconds (typically 1-5 seconds) and then resumes normal operation. Occasionally the screen may be briefly frozen instead of turning black.   Cause This entry signifies that …
FAQ - Display and Topology
This article provides guidance on how setting up optimize and troubleshoot your PCoIP display issues. FAQ – Questions General  What display resolutions can be supported? What display topologies are available? Which monitors will be used for the remote …
PCoIP TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS: VMware View Virtual desktop performance
This article provides a brief list of general troubleshooting steps for performance issues on virtual desktops. Scenarios covered include: Video slicing or tearing. Screen (or parts of the screen) becomes fuzzy screen and then clears up. Slow screen …