FAQ - What are the required TCP/UDP ports for PCoIP technology?
Answer: The TCP and UDP ports assigned for PCoIP technology are shown in the tables below. Please note that IANA assigned port 4172 to the PCoIP protocol. HP Anyware License Server HP Anyware License Server Port Port Number Direction Description Online …
Setting Up Japanese Language and Keyboards
The following tutorial demonstrates how to set up Japanese language and keyboard for Windows PCoIP Software Client and connecting to Microsoft's Japanese Windows Server. Setting up language and keyboard is performed both on the host and client side. Note: …
Error 6405: PCoIP Agent failed to launch the remote session
Problem When connecting to a HP Anyware PCoIP Agent the client receives the "Error 6405: PCoIP Agent failed to launch the remote session. Please try again. If this failure persists, please report this failure to your system administrator."     Cause The …
À quoi sert l’adresse IP de secours ?
La carte PCoIP Zero Client ou PCoIP Remote Workstation est configurée sur ses paramètres d’usine par défaut. Par défaut, le périphérique PCoIP est en mode DHCP. Parce qu’il est en mode DHCP, lorsqu’il est connecté pour la première fois à un réseau, il …
What is the fallback IP address used for?
Out of the box, the PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card is configured to its factory default settings. By default, the PCoIP device is in DHCP mode. Because it is in DHCP mode, when it is first connected to a network, it tries to obtain a …
What versions of VMware Horizon does the PCoIP Zero Client Firmware support and is pre-certified with?
Support PCoIP firmware is supported with the publicly available Horizon release available at the time of the firmware release and is compatible with one major release of Horizon prior to this. Further information for each release can be found via their …
HP Anyware Instructions for Consumer Grade NVIDIA GPUs (e.g. GeForce RTX 2080)
Overview  The purpose of this document is to outline key components, installation instructions and important notes of  HP Anyware on physical workstations with consumer grade NVIDIA GPUs.  NOTE: This document is intended for NVIDIA consumer grade GPUs. …
Tera 2 PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware prerequisites when upgrading to new firmware releases.
Answer Depending on the currently installed firmware version on your Tera2 device, an upgrade to new firmware may require an intermediate firmware upload. To upgrade the PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware, follow the associated …
How to recover Zero Client Password
Answer There are several ways to reset the password for zero clients.   Option 1: Use Management Console For enterprise users, the PCoIP Management Console is recommended to manage the zero client security options including password reset etc. Please …
How do I upload firmware on PCoIP Zero Clients or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
This knowledge base article applies to using the Administrative Web Interface (AWI) as the tool used to upload firmware. To upload the firmware using the PCoIP Management Console, refer to Management Console 202x.x (or 1.10.x) administrators' guide and …