Anyware Device Health check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide

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To receive a detailed Anyware Manager/Connector/PCoIP Connection Manager(CMSG) diagnostic report, create a Anyware Manager/Connector/PCoIP Connection Manager(CMSG) support/log file bundle and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP health check tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The report will be sent to your registered e-mail address.  

Anyware Device Diagnostics 

Report Timeline
Anyware Device Type
Anyware Device Version
Operating System


  • time period and coverage of the report

  • the type of Anyware Device being used

  • the version of the Anyware Device

  • the OS version and its name and IP address

Anyware components

Anyware Connector

Anyware Manager

PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway(CMSG)


  • Anyware connector related information

  • Anyware Manager related information

  • CMSG related information

Report Timeline

Shows the time period that the report covers including the session ids and the time zone used.  The diagnostic returns:


Logs were found


Logs were not found.

Data Collected:

Session: <X>, <Y>, <Z>.  Time showing local timezone of the server [UTC+/-offset]

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
The diagnostic is the always the first item in the report.

Implementation Steps:

  • Find all the files in anyware-manager support bundle (files\var\log\anyware-manager) folder.
  • Find all the files in anyware-Connector support bundle (files\var\log\anyware-connector) folder.
  • Find all the files in PCoIP Connection Manager(CMSG) support bundle (files\) folder
  • Timeout: Not Applicable.

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic start time is the log timestamp in the first line of the first file that is in scope.  See example (a)
  • The diagnostic end time is the log timestamp in the last line of the last file that is in scope.  See example (b)

Example (a) find the start time: First line of the oldest file in scope.

time="2023-02-13T09:20:52+01:00" level=info msg="Installing Anyware Manager" version="\nVersion:\t23.01.0 \nBuild date:\t2023-01-06 \n"
time="2023-08-14T12:39:42+01:00" level=info msg="Starting Anyware Connector" version="23.06.0 built on 2023-06-12"
time="2022-06-28T12:14:37-04:00" level=info msg="Starting PCoIP Connection Manager Setup" version="\nVersion:\t22.04.2 \nBuild date:\t2022-06-08 \n

Example (b) find the end time: Last line of the newest file in scope.

time="2023-08-10T09:08:40+02:00" level=info msg="Diagnosing Anyware Manager" version="\nVersion:\t23.04.1 \nBuild date:\t2023-04-06 \n"
time="2023-08-14T12:39:42+01:00" level=info msg="Starting Anyware Connector" version="23.06.0 built on 2023-06-12"
time="2022-08-06T10:47:02-04:00" level=info msg="Starting PCoIP Connection Manager Setup" version="\nVersion:\t22.07.0 \nBuild date:\t2022-07-05 \n"


Anyware Device Type

Shows the type of Anyware Device installed on the host.   The diagnostic returns:


Anyware Device type reported.

Data Collected:

Anyware Manager/Connector/PCoIP Connection Manager (CMSG)

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find Anyware Device type. See Example(a)

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    
  • Timeout: Not Applicable.

Example (a) on how to find the version for Anyware Manager

time="2023-02-13T09:20:52+01:00" level=info msg="Installing Anyware Manager" version="\nVersion:\t23.01.0 \nBuild date:\t2023-01-06 \n" 
time="2023-08-14T12:39:42+01:00" level=info msg="Starting Anyware Connector" version="23.06.0 built on 2023-06-12"
time="2022-08-05T11:47:02-04:00" level=info msg="Starting PCoIP Connection Manager Setup" version="\nVersion:\t22.07.0 \nBuild date:\t2022-07-05 \n"

Anyware Device Version

Shows the installed version of Anyware Device. The diagnostic returns:


Anyware Device version is fully supported


New Anyware Device version is available.  Recommend upgrading

Data Collected:

23.01.0 | 23.04.1

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy

Anyware Device SW Version is not recommended for deployment

  • Load is no longer supported

  • Patches are available.

  • New feature may be available.

  • Security fixes may be available.

Uninstall and re-install the anyware device with a new anyware device to pick up new releases.

Consult the Teradici Product Lifecycle Page for details on firmware/software versions that are under support.  Release notes will provide a summary of key fixes, security updates and new features.

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time.  
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:   Find Anyware Device version. See log pattern (a)
  • Timeout: Not Applicable.


Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    

Example (a) find the start time: First line of the oldest file in scope.

time="2023-02-13T09:20:52+01:00" level=info msg="Installing Anyware Manager" version="\nVersion:\t23.01.0 \nBuild date:\t2023-01-06 \n"
time="2023-08-14T12:39:42+01:00" level=info msg="Starting Anyware Connector" version="23.06.0 built on 2023-06-12"
time="2022-08-05T11:47:02-04:00" level=info msg="Starting PCoIP Connection Manager Setup" version="\nVersion:\t22.07.0 \nBuild date:\t2022-07-05 \n"

Operating System

Shows details on the Anyware Manager OS.  Diagnostic returns:


OS is compatible with the installed Anyware Manager

Data Collected:

Rocky Linux 8.8 (Green Obsidian)

Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at install time. 
Once the first diagnostic is displayed, subsequent matches should only be displayed if the value changes from the previous displayed value.

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1: Find Anyware Device OS Type. See log pattern (a) or (b) or (c)

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1.  The end time is associated with Step 1.    

Example (c) OS information (Linux)

NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="8.8 (Green Obsidian)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 8.8 (Green Obsidian)"

Note: OS information will not be available in PCoIP Connection Manager(CMSG) Logs

Anyware Connector


Setup (Configuration)N/AN/A
Runtime (Session)N/AN/A

Determine external IP Address 

PCoIP message to Connection Manager with Security Gateway

PCoIP message to Connector Ingress

Certificate Expiry Date

Session Initialization

Session Authentication

Allocate Resource

No Response from RADIUS Server

Host Certificate Validation

User Workstation was turned off

Error trying to resolve hostname

Unable to configure the connector server



  • Solution when failed to establish a new connection 

  • Solution when failed to send PCoIP message to Connection Manager with Security Gateway

  • Solution when failed to send PCoIP message to Connector Ingress due to Invalid response code

  • Solution when failed to get certificate expiry date

  • the time that the client starts to initiate a session

  • the results of the user authentication validation

  • Show allocate resource information

  • Shows solution for issue "No Response from RADIUS Server"

  • Shows solution for issue "Host Certificate Validation"

  • Shows solution for issue "User workstation was turned off"

  • Shows solution for issue "Error trying to resolve hostname"

Diagnostics Details:

Determine external IP Address

Reports if PCoIP Session failed to establish a new connection. The diagnostic returns:


Public ipv4 is provided for SG


1. DNS name resolution 
2. No internet access

Data Collected:


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 
IssueRoot CauseRecommendationsReference URL

Failed to fetch external CAC IP from due to: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution.


1. Due to Name resolution error (DNS)

2. Due to Port configuration issue

1. Verify DNS setup correctly 
Eg., nslookup

2. Verify Port 53 is not blocked

DNS Name Resolution Configuration on RHEL/Rocky Linux 


Failed to get resolve public IP for Anyware Connector

Internet access is unavailable.

Set manually during configuration with --external-pcoip-ip flag

Installing the Connector on RHEL/Rocky Linux 

Implementation Details:


PCoIP message to Connection Manager with Security Gateway

Reports if PCoIP Session failed to send PCoIP message to Connection Manager. The diagnostic returns:




Security gateway services not running

Failed to send PCoIP message to Connection Manager

Data Collected:


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 
IssueRoot CauseRecommendationsReference URL

Failed to send PCoIP message to Connection Manager with Security Gateway: [Errno 113] No route to host

  1. Communication between anyware manager, connector along with network requirements

  2. Due to Security gateway services 

  1. Verify the communication using steps mentioned in the below guide. 
    Firewall and Load Balancing Considerations

    2. Need to run the below command on the connector server, to verify overall health status which includes SG services

    sudo /usr/local/bin/anyware-connector diagnose --health

Implementation Details:

PCoIP message to Connector Ingress

Reports if PCoIP Session failed to send PCoIP message to Connector Ingress




PCoIP Session failed to send PCoIP message to Connector Ingress due to Invalid response code

Data Collected:


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 
IssueRoot CauseRecommendationsReference URL

Failed to send PCoIP message to Connector Ingress

Invalid response code:503

Ensure that both the internal and external IP addresses are properly configured and permitted with the necessary port allowances.

Implementation Details:

Certificate Expiry Date

Reports if PCoIP Session failed to send to get certificate expiry date




PCoIP Session failed to send to get certificate expiry date 

Data Collected:


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 


Root Cause


Reference URL

Failed to get certificate expiry date for, Reason: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution

1. Due to Name resolution error (DNS)

2. Due to Port configuration issue

1. Verify DNS setup correctly 
Eg., nslookup

2. Verify Port 53 is not blocked

DNS Name Resolution Configuration on RHEL/Rocky Linux 


Implementation Details:

Session Initialization

Shows when a session establishment is initiated.   The diagnostic returns:


Host has accepted a session initialization request



Data Collected:

Received Request from Connection Manager

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 
IssueRoot CauseRecommendationsReference URL


Implementation Details:

This diagnostic is checked at Service phase.  

Implementation Steps:
  • Step 1:   Find the "Hello" message being sent out. See log pattern (a)
Time Period:
  • The diagnostic starts time and end time is associated with Step 1. 
Example (a) Hello Message
time="2023-02-13T09:20:52+01:00" level=info msg="Installing Anyware Manager" version="\nVersion:\t23.01.0 \nBuild date:\t2023-01-06 \n"
2023-12-13T14:35:00.470Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerRequest - Received Request from Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
            <product-name>HP Anyware PCoIP Client</product-name> <product-version>23.8.1</product-version> <platform>Windows 11 Version 2009 winnt 10.0.22621 x86_64</platform> <locale>en_US</locale> <hostname>PO-INFO-MARC</hostname>
            <serial-number>8c:f8:c5:59:fa:d3</serial-number> <device-name>PO-INFO-MARC</device-name> <pcoip-unique-id>8c:f8:c5:59:fa:d3</pcoip-unique-id>
        <pcm-info> <product-name>Teradici PCoIP Connection Manager</product-name> <product-version>0.0.1</product-version> <platform></platform> <ip-address></ip-address> <hostname></hostname> </pcm-info>
        <server-address> <ip-address></ip-address> <hostname></hostname> </server-address>
            <variable> <name>launcher-session-id</name> <value></value> </variable> <variable> <name>launcher-data</name> <value></value> </variable>

Session Authentication

Shows the results of the host session authentication phase.     The diagnostic returns:


Host was able to successfully authenticate the user on the host  


  • Authentication was not successful

  • Authentication response timed out 

Data Collected:

Received authenticate-password command. |
Failed to authenticate user

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass) 
Root CauseRemedy

Authentication was not successful

  • Password and username could not be validated

If the authenticate message could not be validated on the host itself.  Either the password and username were typed in incorrectly or the Active Directory system is not configured for the username/password combination.  

  1. Ensure the username, password and domain name is correct.
  2. Ensure the AD info does contain the user information.

Authentication response timed out 

  • Unable to communicate with the AD

The authentication systems are not setup correctly, or the authentication check took to long to complete.

  • Ensure the user information is part of the AD domain identified in the test results.
  • Ensure that the user information can be accessed in less than 2 seconds.
Implementation Details:

This diagnostic is checked at service phase.  

Implementation Steps:
  • Step 1:   Find the "Authenticate" message being received by the host. See log pattern (a). 
  • Step 2:   Find the "Authenticate" message being processed by the host.  See log pattern that shows success (b) or failure (c)
  • Timeout:  Step 2 must be within 5 seconds of Step 1.  
Time Period:
  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1. 
  • The end time is associated with Step 2.    

If the authenticate steps fails, then the authentication systems are not setup correctly, or the authentication check took to long to complete on either the connection manager or the remote host.

  1. Ensure the username, password and domain name is correct.
  2. Ensure the user information is part of the AD domain identified in the test results.


Example (a) Authenticate Message did not succeed.
2023-12-13T14:35:12.466Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.controller.TeradicicbController getResponse - Request recieved from Connection Manager 2023-12-13T14:35:12.483Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO
com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerRequest - Received Request from Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
    <authenticate method="password"> <username>glpi-support@les-charmilles.local</username> <password>**********</password> <domain>les-charmilles.local</domain> </authenticate>
2023-12-13T14:35:12.483Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.TeradicicbHelper responseFromBroker - Received a Authenticate Request from Connection Manager 2023-12-13T14:35:12.484Z
b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.TeradicicbHelper getAuthenticateResponse - Enable FedAuth is false 2023-12-13T14:35:12.491Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication
getWorkingLdapUrl - LDAPS Mode is enabled 2023-12-13T14:35:12.491Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getWorkingLdapUrl - LDAPS Certificate validation is Disabled 2023-12-13T14:35:12.491Z
b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getWorkingLdapUrl - Creating task to detect Domain Controller: ldaps://ad-gre.les-charmilles.local 2023-12-13T14:35:12.934Z
b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getWorkingLdapUrl - Found a working Domain Controller: ldaps://ad-gre.les-charmilles.local 2023-12-13T14:35:12.970Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000
ERROR com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getResourcesInfo - JNDI javax.naming.PartialResultException in context Unprocessed Continuation Reference(s) 2023-12-13T14:35:12.971Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO
com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getResourcesInfo - User Guid for glpi-support@les-charmilles.local on domain dc=les-charmilles,dc=local is null 2023-12-13T14:35:12.971Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 ERROR
com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getUserContextStatus - failed to get the user glpi-support@les-charmilles.local's information in domain les-charmilles.local 2023-12-13T14:35:12.971Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 ERROR
com.teradici.cb.boimpl.UserAuthenticationResponseImpl translatePasswordAuthFailedResult - Authentication Failed due to invalid Username,password or Domain 2023-12-13T14:35:12.984Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO
com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerResponse - Sending Response to Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
    <authenticate-resp method="password">
        <result> <result-id>AUTH_FAILED_UNKNOWN_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD</result-id> <result-str>Authentication failed, please enter valid Username, Password and Domain</result-str> </result>
2023-12-13T14:35:33.483Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.GlobalHttpClient getHttpClient - Certificate validation is Disabled


Example (b) Authenticate Message received.
2023-12-13T14:35:33.591Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO  com.teradici.cb.controller.TeradicicbController getResponse - Request recieved from Connection Manager
2023-12-13T14:35:33.609Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerRequest - Received Request from Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
    <authenticate method="password"> <username>mondmetier1</username> <password>**********</password> <domain>les-charmilles.local</domain> </authenticate>
2023-12-13T14:35:33.609Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.TeradicicbHelper responseFromBroker - Received a Authenticate Request from Connection Manager
2023-12-13T14:35:33.609Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.TeradicicbHelper getAuthenticateResponse - Enable FedAuth is false
2023-12-13T14:35:33.612Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getWorkingLdapUrl - LDAPS Mode is enabled
2023-12-13T14:35:33.612Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getWorkingLdapUrl - LDAPS Certificate validation is Disabled
2023-12-13T14:35:33.612Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getWorkingLdapUrl - Creating task to detect Domain Controller: ldaps://ad-gre.les-charmilles.local
2023-12-13T14:35:33.666Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getWorkingLdapUrl - Found a working Domain Controller: ldaps://ad-gre.les-charmilles.local
2023-12-13T14:35:33.695Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.UserAuthentication getResourcesInfo - User Guid for mondmetier1 on domain dc=les-charmilles,dc=local is     1cb5b0c5-7f44-428f-967f-7e0882b1cc6b
2023-12-13T14:35:33.695Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.boimpl.UserAuthenticationResponseImpl getAuthenticateResp - Authentication successful,sending Authentication Response to Connection Manager
2023-12-13T14:35:33.710Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerResponse - Sending Response to Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
    <authenticate-resp method="password">
        <result> <result-id>AUTH_SUCCESSFUL_AND_COMPLETE</result-id> <result-str>Password authentication was successful and user authentication has been completed</result-str> </result>


Allocate Resource

Determines a list of available resources that the user is entitled to.


Received list of available resource


list of resource are not available

Data Collected:

Received get-resource-list command;

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy

Implementation Details:



This diagnostic is checked at pre-session phase.  

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:  Need to determine <resourceID> with in allocate resource. See log pattern (a). 

Time Period:


Example (a) get-resource-list Message

2023-12-13T14:35:35.937Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.boimpl.GetResourcesListImpl getResourceListResp - Successfully retrieved the list of resources available for user
2023-12-13T14:35:35.950Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerResponse - Sending Response to Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
         <result-str>Successfully retrieved the list of resources</result-str>
         <resource-name>test [Pool]</resource-name>
         <resource-type session-type="VDI">DESKTOP</resource-type>
            <protocol is-default="true">PCOIP</protocol>


Request resource from list


Resource allocated and Session is proceeding


Resource allocation failed

Data Collected:

Received allocate-resource command and resource name

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy


Implementation Details:


This diagnostic is checked at pre-session phase.  

Implementation Steps:

  • Step 1:  Need to determine <resourceID> with in allocate resource. See log pattern (a). 
  • Step 2:  Search the above <resourceID> in <get-resource-list-resp>to retrieve <resource-name>  .  See log pattern (a) 

Time Period:

  • The diagnostic starts time is associated with Step 1. 
  • The end time is associated with Step 2.    


Example (a) get-resource-list Message

2023-12-13T14:35:35.937Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.boimpl.GetResourcesListImpl getResourceListResp - Successfully retrieved the list of resources available for user
2023-12-13T14:35:35.950Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerResponse - Sending Response to Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
         <result-str>Successfully retrieved the list of resources</result-str>
         <resource-name>test [Pool]</resource-name>
         <resource-type session-type="VDI">DESKTOP</resource-type>
            <protocol is-default="true">PCOIP</protocol>

Example (b) allocate-resource command Message

2023-12-13T14:35:36.228Z b749ab80-7bf2-103c-aae1-000000000000 INFO com.teradici.cb.helper.CheckRequestHelper validateBrokerRequest - Received Request from Connection Manager:
<pcoip-broker version="2.1">
         <time-zone-windows>Romance Standard Time</time-zone-windows>


No Response from RADIUS Server

Shows if the client is failed to establish a the connection.   The diagnostic returns:




No Response from RADIUS Server

Data Collected:

ERROR com.teradici.cb.boimpl.UserAuthenticationResponseImpl getAuthenticatePasscodeResp - Radius Error: Timeout: No Response from RADIUS Server. connector_brokerexternal

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root CauseRemedy

Improper configuration of MFA extension on the RADIUS server

Reconfiguration of the MFA extension on the RADIUS server is required

Reference link: AWC Configure MFA

Host Certificate Validation


Shows the status of your certificate. Diagnostic returns:


Certificate was successfully verified


Certificate was not successfully verified

Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)

Root Cause
Root Certificate Authority (CA) is not installed on the client

If you have configured a custom certificate on the Anyware Connector, it is mandatory to install the Root Certificate Authority and optionally, the Intermediate Certificate Authority certificates on the PCoIP client. These certificates allow the client to verify the identity of the Anyware Connector.

Ensure that the Certificate Authority certificates on both the client and Anyware Connector match. For instructions on setting the root certificate on the client, refer to the administration guide.((Windows, Linux, MAC).)

Reference URL: Host Certificate Validation 

User Workstation was turned off

Reports if User Workstation was turned off. The diagnostic returns:




It failed to allocate resource because there is exception while getting machine details

Data Collected:
 ERROR com.teradici.cb.boimpl.AllocateResourcesToUserImpl allocateResourcetoUser - It failed to allocate resource because there is exception while getting machine details. Reason: Cannot invoke "java.util.Map.get(Object)" because "resourceInfoMap" is null
Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)
Root CauseRemedyReference URL

Since the workstation is turned off, it failed to allocate resources due to an exception encountered while retrieving machine details

The user must turn on the workstation to log in successfully



Error trying to resolve hostname


Reports if DNS settings on the Connector are misconfigured. The diagnostic returns:




Error trying to resolve hostname

Data Collected:
BROKER :HttpsXmlClient::handle_addr_resolve: error trying to resolve hostname - e.category=system, e.value=11001 (0x2af9) e.message='Host sconosciuto'”
Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)
Root CauseRemedyReference URL

The DNS settings on the Connector are misconfigured

Verify the contents of /etc/resolv.conf to ensure it includes only one nameserver entry, which should point to the IP address of your internal DNS server.  
Important:  Don't add external DNS servers such as (Cloudflare) or (Google). After making any changes, remember to reboot the system.



Unable to configure the connector server


Reports if Connector server are misconfigured. The diagnostic returns:




 Connector [cac_ex] already exists

Data Collected:
ERROR Verifying configuration: AWM verification: POST to returned with status 400. Message: "Connector [cac_ex] already exists."
ERROR AWM verification: POST to returned with status 400. Message: "Connector [cac_ex] already exists."
Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)
Root CauseRemedyReference URL

The connector servers are misconfigured

  • Configure the firewall on the Anyware Connector and Anyware Manager machine.
  • Delete unnecessary deployments, retaining only the required ones.
  • Reboot the Anyware Manager and generated a new token from the admin console.
  • Configure the Anyware Connector with the new token.




Anyware Manager


Setup (Configuration)N/AN/A
Runtime (Session)N/AN/A


  • Solution when Anyware Manager failed to install

Diagnostics Details:

Anyware Manager installation fails

Reports if Anyware Manager installation fails. The diagnostic returns:


Anyware Manager installed successfully 


Error VAULT service did not respond to init status request

Data Collected:


Corrective Actions (if diagnostic does not pass)
Root CauseRemedyReference URL

Anyware Manager fails to install with the following error - "Error VAULT service did not respond to init status request"

The firewall needs to be enabled, and the Anyware Manager configured using the firewall commands outlined in the admin guide link.

Firewall configuration steps 



PCoIP Connection Manager and Security Gateway(CMSG)

Setup (Configuration)



Runtime (Session)