Graphics or Standard PCoIP Agent will not start with a license error "This version of trusted storage is not supported" in the PCoIP Agent log files

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The Graphics or Standard PCoIP Agent stops immediately after starting the service. The PCoIP Agent logs contain the following:

LVL:0 RC:-500 AGENT :Failed to start the Agent: Failed to add FNE trial license source: [1,7E1,2,0[70000027,0,5002E]] This version of trusted storage is not supported.
LVL:1 RC: 0 AGENT :0FD8 Agent cannot be started! Stopping service...
LVL:2 RC: 0 AGENT :0FD8 Agent service is stopping.
LVL:1 RC: 0 AGENT :10E8 Error when trying to find pcoip_control_panel.exe processes: -510



The local trusted license storage has become corrupted.



Windows Agent

To reset the licensing please do the following:

  1. Stop the PCoIP Graphics Agent service
  2. Navigate to %PROGRAMDATA%\Teradici\PCoIPAgent\licensing\
  3. Rename the 5 folder to 5.old
  4. Start the PCoIP Graphics agent service
  5. Re activate your cloud license.


Linux Agent

To reset trusted storage in Linux:

  1. Stop the agent
  2. Remove the files in /var/lib/pcoip-agent/licensing/5
  3. Reboot or start the agent
  4. Re activate your cloud license