How do I set up or override PCoIP Software Session Variables?

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PCoIP Software session variables provide an easy and flexible way for administrators to tune and configure a PCoIP session if required.


HP Anyware PCoIP Agent

There are two PCoIP group policy object template files in PCoIP Agent version 2.11 onwards. 

Legacy administrative template adm files:

C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\configuration\pcoip.adm

Administrative template admx/adml files:

C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\configuration\policyDefinitions\PCoIP.admx

C:\Program Files\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\configuration\policyDefinitions\en-US\PCoIP.adml


VMware Horizon View

The PCoIP Software Session Variables are defined in the following Group Policy Object Administrative Template file, within the View Connection Software installation directory:

\\"servername"\c$\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\extras\GroupPolicyFiles\pcoip.adm

Newer versions of VMware Horizon View may not include the file and require the download of optional components from VMware.

For an overview of Group Policy object's and PCoIP Session Variables see: What are PCoIP session variables for HP Anyware in Windows OS?.


Setting up Variables on a host VM or Computer


Using the PCoIP.adm file


To make local isolated changes to a specific host:

  1. Copy pcoip.adm from the location described above to c:\windows\inf on the VM. (save the old pcoip.adm to a different name if present)
  2. Click Start -> Run, and then enter gpedit.msc.
  3. Navigate to: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \
    Note: On Windows the path is: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)
  4. Right click Administrative Templates and select Add/Remove Templates
  5. Click Add in the dialog box that appears.
  6. In the right pane of the new window, select the pcoip.adm file and click Open.
  7. Copy the file in the manner desired (if presented with this option)
  8. Ensure the pcoip template is visible in the Add/Remove Templates window(Remove any previous pcoip templates) and select Close.
  9. Navigate to Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ PCoIP Session Variables \ Overrideable Administrator Defaults.
    Note: On Windows the path is: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Classic Administrative Templates (ADM) \ PCoIP Session Variables \ Overrideable Administrator Defaults.
  10. Ensure that Enabled is selected for the desired PCoIP session variable.
  11. Configure the desired PCoIP Session Variable.
    ote: Knowledge Base items have been created for each variable.
  12. Restart the session.

To prevent variables from being overridden by user settings configure the values in: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ PCoIP Session Variables \ Not Overrideable Administrator Defaults.


Using the PCoIP.admx and PCoIP.adml files

To make local isolated changes to a specific host:

  1. Download the administrative template files or copy pcoip.admx from the location described above to c:\windows\policydefinitions and pcoip.adml to c:\windows\policydefinitions\en-US on the VM.
  2. Click Start -> Run, and then enter gpedit.msc.
  3. Navigate to: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ 
    Note: On Windows the path is: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)
  4. Right click Administrative Templates and select Add/Remove Templates
  5. Click Add in the dialog box that appears.
  6. In the right pane of the new window, navigate to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions, select the pcoip.admx file and click Open.
  7. Copy the file in the manner desired (if presented with this option)
  8. Ensure the pcoip template is visible in the Add/Remove Templates window(Remove any previous pcoip templates) and select Close.
  9. Navigate to Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ PCoIP Session Variables \ Overrideable Administrator Defaults.
    Note: On Windows the path is: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Classic Administrative Templates (ADM) \ PCoIP Session Variables \ Overrideable Administrator Defaults.
  10. Ensure that Enabled is selected for the desired PCoIP session variable.
  11. Configure the desired PCoIP Session Variable. 
    Note: Knowledge Base items have been created for each variable.
  12. Restart the session.

To prevent variables from being overridden by user settings configure the values in: Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ PCoIP Session Variables \ Not Overrideable Administrator Defaults.