Imprivata OneSign 4.9 SP1 causes instabilities with the password entry when connected to PCoIP Zero Clients.

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Password authentication instabilities specific to Imprivata OneSign version 4.9 SP1 (released Oct 1st, 2014) and PCoIP Zero Clients are described below.

Scenario 1:

Once a user has successfully authenticated using a valid username and password, the user is prompted to change existing password before proceeding. With OneSign 4.9 SP1, the following error message is generated:

VCS is using an unsupported authentication method on zero client OSD after providing valid username and password, no password can be changed and no session can be connected.

Workaround: Ensure you have the proper Directory Server Certificates installed on your domain controller

Scenario 2:

When successfully changing the password using the OneSign Questions and Answers page, the user receives the error: OneSign could not authenticate you. Try again.

Workaround: Ensure you have the proper Directory Server Certificates installed on your domain controller

Scenario 3:

Enter the user name and domain in the zero client OSD OneSign Login window, then click the Help me log in link.

The user gets redirected to the Question and Answer page to answer security questions, instead of receiving the OneSign could not authenticate you. Use another authentication method. error and redirected to the OneSign login window.

Workaround: N/A