Installing HP Anyware Manager and Brokered Connections

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After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Install the HP Anyware Manager
  • Install HP Anyware Connector
  • Establish a brokered connection to the remote machine

45 mins


HP Anyware Manager is a  management plane enabling users to configure, manage and monitor brokering of remote workstations. HP Anyware Manager enables highly-scalable and cost-effective HP Anyware deployments by managing cloud compute costs by brokering PCoIP connections to remote workstations.

The video below discusses about HP Anyware Manager, the requirements for POC HP Anyware-M and connecting using HP Anyware Manager. Please refer to the following timestamps of the video as per your requirements:

  • 00:00 - 00:29  Introduction
  • 00:30 - 01:11  What is HP Anyware Manager?
  • 01:12- 02:27  Minimum Requirements for POCs
  • 02:28 - 03:17 HP Anyware Manager Admin Console 
  • 03:18 - 05:02 HP Anyware Connector (CAC)
  • 05:03 - 06:56 HP Anyware Manager Interface
  • 06:57 - 07:41  Installing PCoIP Agents and PCoIP Clients)
  • 07:42 -  08:03 Testing and Connecting


HP Anyware Manager can be installed in two ways:


  • Default Configuration - In this installation, an instance of MongoDB and Vault is deployed as part of the installation. Installation of these components is seamlessly built into the HP Anyware Manager installer. This configuration does not scale beyond a single HP Anyware Manager instance and does not support high availability. Refer to the link for steps to install HP Anyware Manager with external configuration, Installing HP Anyware Manager - Default Configuration


  • External Configuration - In this installation, you can prepare and install your own instances of MongoDB and Vault, or you can use an Azure Key Vault service, on a different virtual machine, by following the guidelines in the installation section. This enables you to upgrade or re-install HP Anyware Manager, and makes a high-availability service available. Refer to the link for steps to install HP Anyware Manager with external configuration, Installing HP Anyware Manager - External Configuration

Establishing Connection (Brokered Connection)

You can connect to virtual Windows or Linux hosts that have a PCoIP Standard Agent or PCoIP Graphics Agent installed. Connections can be made directly to individual host machines, or via a connection broker in managed deployments.

1. Double-click the PCoIP Client desktop icon, alias, or program file PCoIPClient to launch the application.

2. In the Host Address or Code field, enter one of the following:

  • For managed connections, provide the address of the connection manager.

3. Click NEXT.

4. On the next screen, select your domain from the dropdown list, enter your user name and password for the    desktop, and then click LOGIN. 
If a user only has access to a single desktop, that desktop is automatically selected and the connection is initiated immediately. These users are not presented with a desktop selection screen.
5. If your login is successful, a screen appears with a list of available desktops, select your desktop.
6. Click Connect to connect to the selected desktop.

Setting up AWS Load Balancing Services for HP Anyware Manager

Load Balancers are important component, if you want to address scalability and redundancy within an environment. If you want to setup Application load balancer in AWS, refer to the video below. Similarly, you can also setup the load balancer on other cloud platforms like GCP and Azure.


Deploying HP Anyware in GCP using Terraform

Refer to the video to learn about deploying HP Anyware Manager in GCP using Terraform. This video will also shows how an administrator can manage the deployment using HP Anyware Manager (, and how end users can connect to Windows and CentOS workstations running in GCP using PCoIP Clients.