Solution Provided (Internal Case Retrospective)

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This is an internal KB used for the case closure retrospective.

Closed cases are to be characterized as 

  1. KB-1375 Confirmed Solution Provided:  Solution was suggested and accepted by the user.
  2. KB-1376 Solution Provided:  Solution was suggested.  It is unknown if the user accepted the solution.
  3. KB-1377 Guidance Provided.  Recommendations were suggested.  It is unclear if the suggestion would have solved the problem.
  4. KB-1378 Case Abandoned.  Case was abandoned before recommendation or a solution could be provided.
  5. KB-1684 Lead Created: The issue is POC or pre-sale.  Lead was created for Sales team to follow up. 

If corrective action is required on the case (i.e. update or create a KB), a task should be created that describes the corrective action.  the Title of the task should use the term "<describe correction action> (Internal Case Retrospective)".