Understanding HP Anyware Copy/Paste Feature

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What is the Clipboard Plugin?

The clipboard plugin performs clipboard redirection in the background that allows a user to copy and paste text and images from a client to a host and vice versa over a PCoIP session. This allows the user to efficiently work remotely with the ability to copy and paste between the client and host.


How do I install the Clipboard Plugin?

The clipboard plug in is installed automatically with the HP Anyware PCoIP Agent. There is no intervention or configuration required to install and activate the plugin. 


How do I determine what version of the Clipboard Plugin is installed and in use?

When the virtual channel plugin is loaded by the PCoIP Server process a log entry is created. Open the current pcoip_server file and find this line.What logs do the HP  Anyware PCoIP Agents create and what is in them?

LVL:2 RC: 0 VCHAN_PLUGIN :[pcoip_clipboard] VChan plugin pcoip_clipboard (C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Agent\bin\pcoip_vchan_clipboard.dll) version 2.2.4


Can I change which directions clipboard redirection works in?

Through the PCoIP Group Policy, the behaviour of the clipboard can be modified. The settings apply to all PCoIP seeings on a machine and are read at the start of each PCoIP Session. The setting static for the duration of the session. The following behaviours are available:

  • Disabled in both directions
  • Enabled in both directions (default setting)
  • Enabled client to agent only (That is, allow copy and paste only from the client system to the host desktop.)
  • Enabled agent to client only (That is, allow copy and paste only from the host desktop to the client system.)


How much bandwidth does the clipboard redirection use?

The amount of bandwidth the Clipboard Plugin uses is dependent on how frequently the copy function of the host/client is used, the size of the content copied and the redirection policy in place.


The data I copied will not paste on the other side

There are a few reasons why the clipboard redirection may not work

  • Clipboard redirection is disabled
  • There is a maximum uncompressed object size of 20MB.
  • The data type copied is not supported by clipboard redirection


What data types is supported by clipboard redirection?


Source Clipboard

On this 

Content in the 
source clipboard

Will be converted 

And transmitted in this format

Windows CF_UNICODE yes Utf-8
Windows CF_DIB yes PNG
Windows Rich Text Format   RTF
Windows XML Spreadsheet   XML Spreadsheet
Windows Html Format yes HTML (UTF-8, no BOM)
OSX NSPasteboardTypeString yes Utf-8
OSX NSPasteboardTypeTIFF yes PNG
OSX NSPasteboardTypeRTF   RTF
OSX Html yes HTML (UTF-8, no BOM)
OSX Web Archive yes HTML (UTF-8, no BOM)
Linux image/bmp yes PNG
Linux image/x-bmp yes PNG
Linux image/x-MS-bmp yes PNG
Linux image/png   PNG
Linux text/richtext   RTF
Linux UTF8_STRING   Utf-8
Linux text/plain;charset=utf8   Utf-8
iOS NSPasteboardTypeString yes Utf-8
iOS NSPasteboardTypeTIFF yes PNG
iOS NSPasteboardTypeRTF   RTF
Android text/html yes HTML (UTF-8, no BOM)


Destination Clipboard

On this
content received in
this format
will be converted and placed in the
destination clipboard as
Windows Utf-8 yes CF_UNICODE
Windows PNG yes CF_DIB
Windows RTF   Rich Text Format
Windows XML Spreadsheet   XML Spreadsheet
Windows HTML yes HTML Format
Linux Utf-8   UTF8_STRING and
Linux PNG yes image/bmp and
yes image/x-bmp and
yes image/x-MS-bmp and
Linux RTF   text/richtext
Linux XML Spreadsheet   --dropped--
Linux Html yes text/html (UTF-16LE with BOM)
OSX Utf-8   NSPasteboardTypeString
OSX PNG yes NSPasteboardTypeTIFF
OSX RTF   NSPasteboardTypeRTF
OSX XML Spreadsheet   --dropped--
OSX Html yes NSPasteboardTypeHTML
Web Archive
iOS Utf-8   NSStringPboardType
iOS PNG yes NSTIFFPboardType
iOS RTF   NSPasteboardTypeRTF
iOS XML Spreadsheet   --dropped--
iOS Html yes  


Can I limit the data formats that can be redirected?

Is it not possible to limit which data formats are redirected.


I coped and pasted data from the client to host but I don't get the paste special feature in Microsoft Office.

When copy and paste is performed in Microsoft Office, Office uses it's own clipboard that has special features such as the last 24 items copied are retained. The HP Anyware Clipboard redirect feature only redirects the standard Windows clipboard which only contains the last copied item. In addition to this, the item is converted into a standard format. The standard format does not retain all the additional formatting and Microsoft Office data contained in the Microsoft Office Clipboard therefore, paste special is not offered by Microsoft Office.


How do I monitor how much bandwidth is in used by the clipboard redirection?

The Clipboard redirection feature uses the PCoIP Virtual Chanels. As such all communication between the clipboard virtual channel plug in on the host and client is done over a secure PCoIP Chanel. At this stage it is not possible to monitor how much bandwidth this communication is consuming. HP Anyware offers Processional Services that can develop customized solutions if you require this functionality.


Can I limit how much bandwidth clipboard redirection uses?

There is currently no method to restrict how much bandwidth clipboard redirection uses. As the clipboard data travels over a virtual channel inside the PCoIP data steam, the clipboard traffic will never excel any limits placed on the PCoIP session. On low bandwidth links, if this feature is not required it is recommended that clipboard redirection is disabled. 


How long does it take for both clipboard to sync after a copy?

The time taken depends on what the PCoIP bandwidth limit is and how much other data such as imaging, audio and usb is being transferred by PCoIP.