What are the background colors of the on screen display (OSD) logon box?

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You may want to match the background color of your OSD logo to that of the OSD login box because only non-transparent BMPs are supported.



If using firmware 3.0.0 to firmware 3.5.1 the grey background when the zero client is in View mode has a RGB value of (R:232, G:228, B:219), or hex value of 0xE8E4DB.

If using firmware 3.0.0 to firmware 3.5.1 the white background when zero client is in one-to-one mode has a RGB value of (R:255, G:255, B:255), or hex value of 0xFFFFFF.

If using firmware 4.0.0 to firmware 4.5.0 on a Tera 1 or Tera2 zero client when in View mode has a RGB value of (R:66, G:66, B:66), or hex value 0x424242.

If using firmware 4.6.0 or newer on a Tera2 zero client when in View mode it has a RGB value of (R:0, G:103, B:137), or hex value of 0x006789.

If using firmware 4.6.0 or newer on a Tera1 zero client when in View mode it has a RGB value of (R:66, G:66, B:66), or hex value of 0x424242.