What is the PCoIP Transport Header?

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The PCoIP Transport Header is an unencrypted application layer header for PCoIP protocol to allow network devices to make intelligent prioritization and QoS decisions for packets in a PCoIP session to improve the user experience. 

The PCoIP Transport Header enables network devices to perform within-session QoS and specifies rules for which packets can be accelerated for delivery.  The 4 octet (32 bit) field is inserted between the UDP header and the ESP header in a PCoIP packet.  The PCoIP payload is still encrypted and the PCoIP payload and ESP header are still authenticated for security. The PCoIP transport header is not encrypted nor authenticated for efficient processing by network devices. 

The PCoIP Transport Header was enabled in Vmware View 5.1 and requires firmware 3.1.0 or newer. All Cloud Access Software components support the PCoIP Transport header.

See also:

Configures the PCoIP transport header