Why do I get licensing error using HP Anyware on GCP (Google Cloud Platform)?
If you are using GCP and experiencing PCoIP license registration failure on the remote host, please run the following command on the host VM where the PCoIP agent binary is located:
pcoip-validate-license.ps1 -v
The following error can be observed in the output:
"Failed to get FNE private data item:[1,7E3,4,0[70000012,0,F06E1]]"
The issue started to manifest on GCP with Cloud License Server (CLS) of the HP Anyware on November 13, 2020.
The issue has been resolved in the latest HP Anyware release 20.10.2.
- Download: Find your component | Teradici Documents and Downloads
- Release notes: Release note | Teradici Documents and Downloads
Recovery steps for GCP issue with Agent 20.10.2
For Windows:
- Remove trusted storage - Remove everything in C:\ProgramData\Teradici\PCoIPAgent\licensing\
- Upgrade to Agent 20.10.2 - During upgrade, user will be prompted for registration code. User to enter registration code during upgrade.
- Reboot.
- Remove trusted storage - sudo find /var/lib/pcoip-agent/licensing -type f -exec rm {} \;
- Install Teradici repository - sudo yum install https://downloads.teradici.com/rhel/teradici-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
- Install PCoIP Agent - sudo yum install pcoip-agent-standard
- Register Agent - pcoip-register-host --registration-code=xxxxxxxx
- Reboot - sudo reboot
For Ubuntu:
- Remove trusted storage - sudo find /var/lib/pcoip-agent/licensing -type f -exec rm {} \;
- Delete Teradici signing key - sudo apt-key del 4E45878267D7ADA8
- Download Teradici repo - sudo wget -O teradici-repo-latest.deb https://downloads.teradici.com/ubuntu/teradici-repo-$(lsb_release -cs)-latest.deb
- Install Teradici repo - sudo apt install --reinstall ./teradici-repo-latest.deb
- Update package information - sudo apt update
- Install PCoIP Agent - sudo apt install pcoip-agent-standard
- Register Agent - pcoip-register-host --registration-code=xxxxxxxx
- Reboot - sudo reboot
If you need assistance on how to upgrade to the latest HP Anyware releases or deploy and connect a Local License Server to GCP, contact us by raising a case at https://docs.teradici.com.