What is the session disconnect timeout for a PCoIP session?
Answer: A PCoIP protocol session is disconnected after a period of network inactivity that is dependent on the client type and configuration settings. This includes settings for: PCoIP Zero Clients: 30 seconds (default) of no network communication PCoIP …
How do I determine how much bandwidth a PCoIP Protocol Session is consuming?
There are multiple options to determine how much bandwidth a PCoIP protocol session is consuming.   Viewing live data on a PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card The active PCoIP protocol session bandwidth can be viewed in the PCoIP Zero …
PCoIP display is 'blurry' and the image is of lower than expected quality
Problem When using PCoIP the display is 'blurry' or of low quality. The display may be persistently blurry or is blurry intermittently and slow.    Cause Typically a blurry screen is due to the lack of bandwidth. Throughout a PCoIP session, PCoIP network …
Error: The Certificate for the Domain Controller is Untrusted or Invalid
Problem   When connecting to a HP Anyware PCoIP Agent the client receives the error "The Certificate for the Domain Controller is Untrusted or Invalid."     Causes:   The error generally means that the HP Anyware Connector was unable to communicate with …
What does the yellow marker mean on the top right of the screen when using the PCoIP Graphics Agent?
Problem During a PCoIP session there is a yellow marker on the top right of one or more displays. The yellow marker indicates that the PCoIP Graphics Agent is experiencing issues with the GPU configuration and has fallen back to non-accelerated …
Vérification de l’état de l’hôte - Guide de diagnostic et de dépannage
Résumé Pour recevoir un rapport de diagnostic d’hôte détaillé, créez une offre groupée de fichiers d’assistance client  /journal, puis envoyez cette offre groupée à l’outil de vérification   d’état de l’ordinateur PCoIP .  Une fois les fichiers soumis, il …
What does the 'No source signal' message mean?
The answer depends on what type of host the PCoIP Zero Client is connected to.  VMware View 4.5 or newer The message "no source signal" appears as an overlay when the VMware View virtual desktop puts the monitors to sleep.  Pressing a key or moving the …