PCoIP Management Console Enterprise Edition 2.x getting error message - Waiting for the server to start
This message is displayed anytime the daemon and console stop communicating with each other. There are a number of reasons why, please review the three scenarios below.   Scenario 1 - DNS A record is missing One issue has been tracked to lack of a DNS "A" …
PCoIP Troubleshooting Steps: IEEE 802.1x Network Authentication
This article provides a brief list of troubleshooting steps for common issues with 802.1x authentication. It is not intended to be a comprehensive troubleshooting guide. These include scenarios for: Problems uploading IEEE 802.1x certificates to PCoIP …
Is it possible to disable the serial port on my Samsung PCoIP Zero Client monitor?
Scenario: Some PCoIP zero clients (i.e. Samsung PCoIP Zero Client monitors) come equipped with a serial port. The units are designed with a built in USB hub feeding both another USB connector and a serial connector. In a PCoIP session, the VM picks up the …
How do I set up Location Based Printing with VMware Horizon View on a PCoIP Zero Client?
Note: For current information regarding location based printing, please see the VMware documentation. (e.g.  http://pubs.vmware.com/view-52/topic/com.vmware.view.administration.doc/GUID-1EB46B6D-EBF7-499E-9AE1-D8253C9FB241.html .) VMware Horizon View 7 …
What does the error message "Session Closed Remotely" mean?
There are a number or reasons that the message "Session Closed Remotely" appears during a brokered session listed below. Informational Messages Closed by login at an alternate location or host shutdown/restart User initiated logout Disconnected by …
Why are some Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients showing the Online status as "False" in PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x?
This indicates that the Tera 2 PCoIP Zero Client is not being managed by the PCoIP Management Console and can be one of several reasons: Not powered on Firmware has been downgraded to 4.x so no longer manageable by PCoIP Management Console 2.x and 3.x NTP …
CVE-2017-5754, CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5715 Information regarding speculative execution Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability Detail On January 3, 2018 it was formally announced that researchers had found three vulnerabilities that take advantage of the implementation of speculative execution of instructions on many modern microprocessor architectures to perform …
How do I change the image quality properties of a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
Review the below table to understand where to change the image quality properties in a remote workstation environment. This information applies to sessions between PCoIP Zero Clients and a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card (i.e. host card). If you are using a …