What does the yellow marker mean on the top right of the screen when using the PCoIP Graphics Agent?

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During a PCoIP session there is a yellow marker on the top right of one or more displays. The yellow marker indicates that the PCoIP Graphics Agent is experiencing issues with the GPU configuration and has fallen back to non-accelerated performance. The yellow maker will appear on each display that is affected. This may occur on one or more display.



There are many issues that can cause the PCoIP Graphics Agent to fall back to a non-accelerated mode for a display. The following troubleshooting steps are recommended to help fix the issue.


Verify the Hardware is detected by the Operating System


Microsoft Windows:

  1. Press  + r to open a run dialog.
  2. Type devmgmt.msc
  3. Expand Display adapters
  4. Verify the expected Nvidia or AMD graphics adaptor is listed and that there is no warnings against the device. If there is a warning please consult the manufactures documentation.

Note: On some platforms the physical GPU is presented to the Operating System after boot up and multiple GPU's are added one at a time. If you have just started up virtual machine and are verifying multiple GPU's, please allow a few minutes for the GPU's to be added to the virtual machine and initialized. 



  1. Open a shell or SSH session
  2. Type lspci
  3. Verify the Nvidia or AMD graphics adaptor is listed.



Ensure you have the correct Nvidia GRID, Nvidia Quadro or AMD GPU-Pro driver installed. Please see the System Requirements for your PCoIP Agent for supported versions.

Verifying the Nvidia GRID driver in use by the PCoIP Graphics Agent.



Check the licensing status of your Nvidia GRID GPU.


If you are using a cloud hosted virtual machine please ensure you follow your hosting providers instructions for installing the Nvidia drivers to ensure the licensing is working.


GPU limitations

Some GPU's have limitations as to the maximum number of displays supported. Some known limits are listed below:


Nvidia Quadro GPU

  • The number of remote accelerated displays is limited to the number of physical display heads on the GPU.
  • The M series and P series were limited to a maximum resolution of 1920x1200 prior to HP Anyware PCoIP Agent 2.13



  • Nvidia GRID M and P series GRID cards require software licensing to unlock additional virtual display heads and 4K resolution. Without a software license you are limited to 1 display per a GPU at a maximum resolution of 2560x1600
  • vGPU profiles have a limited number of virtual display heads and a maximum resolution depending on the profile chosen. Ensure the profile you are using has adequate resources.


Review the logs

If the steps above have not resolved acceleration issue and you still have the yellow marker on a display, the logs will show what maybe causing the issues.

Open the PCoIP_server log file for your current session located in 






What information am I looking for in log files?

How many adapters and displays were found?

IMG_FRONTEND :Found 4 video adapters and 5 front end video drivers

What is a valid display adapter and how many displays are available?

Windows - LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Registered front end video driver NVIDIA_GRID for adapter NVIDIA GRID K2 - provides up to 4 heads

Linux - LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Registered front end video driver NVIDIA GRID Linux for adapter Dummy - provides up to 4 heads

How many are available in total?

LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Maximum number of video heads available = 4

What Nvidia driver is in use?

LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID: Loaded NvAPI, version: NVidia Complete Version 1.10
LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID: Detect NVIDIA driver version: 37017; branch: r367_0

What displays are being captured and encoded and on what GPU?

Windows - LVL:2 RC: 0 IPC : > Source ID 65536 -> Sink ID 0 | Driver: NVIDIA_GRID , Adapter NVIDIA GRID K2 Display \\.\DISPLAY2 - 1482 x 812

Linux - LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND : > Source ID 0 -> Sink ID 0 | Driver: NVIDIA GRID Linux, Adapter Dummy, Display DVI-D-0 - 1480x812


Examples of working logs

These log files were captured from version 2.10 of the PCoIP Agent. The logs files you have will be slightly different from the logs below. These logs are a reference you can use to compare to your own logs.

Note there are many failures in the logs as the system tries to attach to a GPU using the following methods:

  • AMD GPU-Pro and Nvidia GRID
  • HP Anyware WDDM Video Driver
  • HP Anyware XPDM Video Driver
  • BitBLT screen capture

The failures are not of concern if the type of driver is not GRID for Nvidia GPU's and AMD GPU-Pro for AMD GPU's. For non Nvidia Capture API compatible Nvidia GPU's such as the 2D Quadro GPU's and Nvidia GeForce GPU's, PCoIP will attach using BitBLT.



2018-01-29T23:17:28.116Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Found 4 video adapters and 5 front end video drivers
2018-01-29T23:17:28.116Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Video adapter: NVIDIA GRID K2 [0000000000008c09] - provides 1 heads
2018-01-29T23:17:28.118Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Registered front end video driver BitBLT for adapter NVIDIA GRID K2 - provides up to 1 heads
2018-01-29T23:17:28.172Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:0 RC: 0 MGMT_ENV :cTERA_MGMT_CFG_MGR::reload: Applying config changes
2018-01-29T23:17:28.440Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID: Loaded NvAPI, version: NVidia Complete Version 1.10
2018-01-29T23:17:28.440Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID: Detect NVIDIA driver version: 37017; branch: r367_00
2018-01-29T23:17:29.288Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC: 126 VIDEO_DRIVER :Failed to load NvFBC64.dll
2018-01-29T23:17:29.442Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :PCoIP NvFBC library is initialized successfully, DLL version (0x50), NvFBC_Enable IS found
2018-01-29T23:17:29.443Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :Detected driver reload ability as unavailable
2018-01-29T23:17:30.550Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Registered front end video driver NVIDIA_GRID for adapter NVIDIA GRID K2 - provides up to 4 heads
2018-01-29T23:17:30.552Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC: 126 VIDEO_DRIVER :Failed to load atiadlxx.dll
2018-01-29T23:17:30.553Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC: 126 VIDEO_DRIVER :Failed to load atiadlxy.dll
2018-01-29T23:17:30.561Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC:-500 IMG_FRONTEND :VideoDriverManager exception: Failed to load ADL DLL
2018-01-29T23:17:30.561Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Creating TeraWDDMVideoDriver for 'NVIDIA GRID K2' adapter.
2018-01-29T23:17:30.562Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC:-500 IMG_FRONTEND :VideoDriverManager exception : Unrecognized device: NVIDIA GRID K2
2018-01-29T23:17:30.562Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Creating TeraXPDMVideoDriver for 'NVIDIA GRID K2' adapter.
2018-01-29T23:17:30.562Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Skipping loading of driver due to: 'NVIDIA GRID K2' is not a valid XPDM device!
2018-01-29T23:17:30.562Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Video adapter: VMware SVGA 3D [UNDEFINED] - provides 1 heads
2018-01-29T23:17:30.563Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Registered front end video driver BitBLT for adapter VMware SVGA 3D - provides up to 0 heads
2018-01-29T23:17:30.563Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID: Loaded NvAPI, version: NVidia Complete Version 1.10
2018-01-29T23:17:30.563Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID: Detect NVIDIA driver version: 37017; branch: r367_00
2018-01-29T23:17:30.564Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC:-500 IMG_FRONTEND :VideoDriverManager exception : Failed to match the LUID for the provided adapter: 'VMware SVGA 3D'
2018-01-29T23:17:30.564Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC: 126 VIDEO_DRIVER :Failed to load atiadlxx.dll
2018-01-29T23:17:30.565Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC: 126 VIDEO_DRIVER :Failed to load atiadlxy.dll
2018-01-29T23:17:30.565Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC:-500 IMG_FRONTEND :VideoDriverManager exception: Failed to load ADL DLL
2018-01-29T23:17:30.565Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Creating TeraWDDMVideoDriver for 'VMware SVGA 3D' adapter.
2018-01-29T23:17:30.565Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC:-500 IMG_FRONTEND :VideoDriverManager exception : Unrecognized device: VMware SVGA 3D
2018-01-29T23:17:30.565Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Creating TeraXPDMVideoDriver for 'VMware SVGA 3D' adapter.
2018-01-29T23:17:30.565Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Skipping loading of driver due to: 'VMware SVGA 3D' is not a valid XPDM device!
2018-01-29T23:17:30.565Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Maximum number of video heads available = 4

2018-01-29T23:19:15.979Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :The front end is now providing 1 pixel source:
2018-01-29T23:19:15.979Z 7c8f3200-b4d1-1feb-9cbe-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IPC : > Source ID 65536 -> Sink ID 0 | Driver: NVIDIA_GRID , Adapter NVIDIA GRID K2 Display \\.\DISPLAY2 - 1482 x 812



2018-01-30T01:08:11.392Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Found 1 video adapters and 2 front end video drivers
2018-01-30T01:08:11.392Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC:-520 IMG_FRONTEND :Blacklisting failure in the front end: regex_error
2018-01-30T01:08:11.392Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Video adapter: Dummy [UNDEFINED] - provides 0 heads
2018-01-30T01:08:11.396Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 COMMON :X server does not support shared memory pixmaps
2018-01-30T01:08:11.396Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:1 RC:-500 IMG_FRONTEND :VideoDriverManager exception: X11VideoHead cannot work without the Xshm extension and shared pixmap functionality
2018-01-30T01:08:11.405Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :NvFBC library is initialized successfully, version ( 0x101 ).
2018-01-30T01:08:11.514Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID Status GOOD
2018-01-30T01:08:11.520Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Registered front end video driver NVIDIA GRID Linux for adapter Dummy - provides up to 4 heads
2018-01-30T01:08:11.520Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND :Maximum number of video heads available = 4
2018-01-30T01:08:11.525Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:0 RC: 0 IPC :Initializing image engine encoder.
2018-01-30T01:08:11.526Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMAGE_CACHE :Enabling Tile caching
2018-01-30T01:08:11.544Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID Status GOOD

2018-01-30T01:08:17.166Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 IMG_FRONTEND : > Source ID 0 -> Sink ID 0 | Driver: NVIDIA GRID Linux, Adapter Dummy, Display DVI-D-0 - 1480x812
2018-01-30T01:08:17.305Z faa70500-b4e0-1feb-b19f-000000000000 > LVL:2 RC: 0 VIDEO_DRIVER :GRID Status GOOD