After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:
- Understand the different display configurations.
- Understand the supported resolutions
20 mins
With PCoIP, you can configure several display settings as described below.
Display Resolutions
PCoIP supports resolutions offered by modern typical hardware including resolution of 3840 x 2160 4K/UHD.
- PCoIP client supports a maximum of four displays. At a time, it is possible to use one 4K display @30fps.
- 1080p can be delivered @60fps.
- If you want to use multiple displays with high-resolution, you will need powerful infrastructure, like extra bandwidth.
Display Topologies
Three topologies are supported (minimum 1 and maximum 4 monitors supported). The monitors can be configured for any standard rotation (0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°).
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- 2X2 box display
To configure the display topologies on Zero Clients, follow the instructions here.
Window Modes with PCoIP Software Client
PCoIP Soft Client supports windowed mode and full screen mode. Full screen mode can be done for one monitor or all monitors. This can be done by using keyboard shortcuts or using the client menu bar. For more instructions, refer to the link.