Using The Broker Client Example¶
Invoking the Broker Client API is a two-step procedure, where as a first step, the Broker Client Example is built. The second step consists of running either a prebuilt PCoIP binary, or a prebuilt AWS binary.
Code is an API Demonstration Only
The sample session client, described in the following
sections, demonstrates a simple connection scenario using
the supplied broker client library
. The example
unrealistically assumes that all requests and calls succeed
as expected, and performs only basic error handling.
An actual client implementation is likely to be far more
complex; for example, you will need to handle failed broker
certificate verification, account for other authentication steps
beyond a simple user ID and password combination, and
any other circumstances dictated by your system
The Broker Client Example Sequence¶
This section describes how the sample broker client implements the PCoIP session sequence. It also provides an overview of invoking and using the executable session client.
Custom Broker Client Library Implementations
Anyware clients interact with PCoIP-compatible brokers and Anyware agents using an abstraction layer called a broker client library. The following example uses the supplied broker client library. You may, however, choose to write your own broker client library to meet specific requirements, or use a third-party broker library, which does not use the PCoIP Broker Protocol. Refer to the PCoIP® Connection Broker Protocol Specification for details on how to design and implement your own connection broker.
Installing the Linux SDK¶
Install the latest Anyware Client. For more information see the topic "Installing the Anyware Client for Linux" in the Administrators' Guide.
Download the latest Linux SDK.
Install the SDK debian package on your system.
Running the Prebuilt Anyware Client Binary¶
This example uses the supplied credentials to first establish a PCoIP session and then launch the Anyware Client. The Anyware Client thus launched, connects to the remote agent.
Location of the login_info File
The login_info.txt file is available in the following location: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/broker_client_example/
Open the login_info.txt file.
Add the remote Anyware agent credentials in the format "FQDN domain username password hostname", where,
- FQDN: The address of an HP Anyware broker.
- domain: The domain that the host machine is on.
- username: The username of the account you are connecting to.
- password: The plain text password of the account you are connecting to. The password cannot contain spaces.
Example: adomain.local foouser barpassword bazmacpro01
Run the example from a Terminal session:
/usr/bin/broker_client_example -l -i /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/broker_client_example/login_info.txt
A status message will be displayed indicating whether the connection was successful.
The following code snippet is an example of the status message:
Connected Successfully.
Desktop ID : sal-w7p64-sa15.autolab.local
ip_addr :
port : 4172
session_id : 2305843009213693954
sni : SAL-W7P64-SA15
URI: "teradici-pcoip://
2305843009213693954&sni=SAL-W7P64-SA15", PARAMETERS: "connect-tag=SCS1fw0Zbk%2bEu7q2iz0%2fM7mxfEE52au%2f3Jedtgp16L%2frA8iB00%2bE
Running the Prebuilt Anyware Client Binary Using Smart Card Authentication¶
This example uses smart card authentication where smart card information must be supplied to first establish a PCoIP session and then launch the Anyware Client. The Anyware Client thus launched, connects to the remote agent.
Location of the login_info File
The login_info.txt file is available in the following location: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/broker_client_example/
Open the login_info.txt file.
Add the remote Anyware agent credentials in the format "FQDN index reader name pin hostname", where,
- FQDN: The address of an HP Anyware broker.
- index: The index of the authentication certificate in the smart card.
- Reader name: The name of the smart card reader. Use quotes if the name contains spaces.
- pin: The smart card PIN. The PIN cannot contain spaces.
Example: 0 "SCM Microsystems Inc. SCR 3310" 123456 bazmacpro01
Run the example from a Terminal session:
/usr/bin/broker_client_example -l -i /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/broker_client_example/login_info.txt
A status message will be displayed indicating whether the connection was successful.
Running the Prebuilt AWS Anyware Client Binary¶
This topics contains instructions for running the AWS example binary that is packaged along with the Client SDK. The example uses credentials that you provide to first establish a PCoIP session and then launch the AWS Anyware Client. The Anyware Client thus launched, connects to the remote agent.
Location of the login_info_aws File
The login_info_aws.txt
file can be found in the following location: ~/Documents/PCoIPSoftClientSDK/Examples/broker_client_example/bin
Open the login_info_aws.txt file.
Add the remote Amazon WorkSpace credentials in the format "aws_registration_code domain username password token_or_password resource_name", where,
- aws_registration_code: The registration code for Amazon WorkSpace.
- domain: The domain that the host machine is on.
- username: The username of the account you are connecting to.
- password: The plain text password of the account you are connecting to. The password cannot contain spaces.
- token_or_password: The authentication token or password.
- resource_name: The name of the resource to connect to.
eNgrTX$xa adomain.local foouser barpassword 75539285075371469148082720109113041434163396974558736008282251461494906419802726 aws57864x1
Run the example from a Terminal session:
/usr/bin/broker_client_example -l -i /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/broker_client_example/login_info_aws.txt
A status message will be displayed indicating whether the connection was successful.
Building the Broker Client Example¶
Detailed Instructions
For detailed information on building the client SDK, see the Building the Linux SDK topic.
Finding the Latest Information
While we make every attempt to keep this topic current, the README file available along with the Broker Client example always contains the latest information.
Create a build directory at the location of your preference by running the following command:
mkdir build
Change the directory to build by running the following command:
cd build
Configure the broker client example by running the following command:
cmake /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pcoip-client/examples/broker_client_example -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
Build the example by running the following command:
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
Custom Broker Client Library Implementations
This procedure creates the broker_client_example and the broker_client_example_aws executables in the RelWithDebInfo folder.