Error 6405: PCoIP Agent failed to launch the remote session
Problem When connecting to a HP Anyware PCoIP Agent the client receives the "Error 6405: PCoIP Agent failed to launch the remote session. Please try again. If this failure persists, please report this failure to your system administrator."     Cause The …
Tera 2 PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware prerequisites when upgrading to new firmware releases.
Answer Depending on the currently installed firmware version on your Tera2 device, an upgrade to new firmware may require an intermediate firmware upload. To upgrade the PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware, follow the associated …
HP Anyware Connector - Common Installation Issues
This knowledge base article provides a brief list of troubleshooting steps for common issues related to installing the HP Anyware Connector. This article is not intended to be a comprehensive troubleshooting guide. The potential issues have been broken …
What causes a firmware upgrade failure?
Problem Uploading firmware through the AWI or a PCoIP Zero Client or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card fails with an error message. Applying firmware through the PCoIP Management Console fails.   Cause and Solution There are multiple scenarios that can cause …
What are the jumpers and LEDs on the Tera2 PCoIP Remote Workstation Card used for?
All external connectors on Tera2 PCoIP host cards are for diagnostic purposes. Jumpers J15 and J25 are configurable and their functions are described below. If you want Tera1 jumper explanations instead, refer to  What are the jumpers on the Tera1 host …
How do I access CTRL-ALT-DEL on a touchscreen monitor with Windows 7?
Answer: In Windows 7 environments where a touchscreen monitor uses the onscreen keyboard, consider enabling CTRL+ALT+ DEL, also known as the Secure Attention Sequence (SAS): Log in to the remote workstation or virtual desktop with the appropriate …
What are the requirements to support pre-session smart card authentication when connecting to VMware Horizon (View)?
Note: With the release of PCoIP Zero Client firmware 6.1.0, the information in the knowledge base article has been moved into the PCoIP Zero Client Administrators' guide to ensure the list is current at the time of each firmware release. See PCoIP Zero …
Will the PCoIP Agent work with more than one network interface?
Problem The PCoIP Graphics and Standard agent can be used on a host with more than one network interface. This may or may not work out of the box depending on the order of the network interfaces. Multiple network interfaces may exist in many systems due …
"No PCoIP devices detected. Please ensure the hardware is installed and the Host Driver Function is enabled on the PCoIP Host card prior to installing the software"
  Problem When installing host software on a PC, the following error message may be displayed: "No PCoIP devices detected. Please ensure the hardware is installed and the Host Driver Function is enabled on the PCoIP Host card prior to installing the …
DHCP IP address lease changes when the PCoIP Zero Client firmware or PCoIP Remote Workstation firrmware is upgraded
Problem Updating PCoIP Zero Client firmware or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware results in a new DHCP IP address lease. The issue will only occur under the following circumstances: Updating a PCoIP Zero Client from firmware 4.7.1 and prior to 4.8.0 …