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Viewing Admin Activity Logs

Admin logs can be viewed using the Admin activity tab on your tenant dashboard.


Organization Users can perform this operation only on the tenants assigned to them.

  1. Sign in to Anyware Manager Enterprise.

  2. Click the tenant for which you want to access logs, and click the Logs tab.

    You'll be redirected to the tenant page where you can see the following options: User sessions, Machines, Logs, and Pools.

  3. Click the Admin activity tab.

  4. In the Timeframe list, select the time for which you want to download the log details.

  5. Optionally, use the search bar to filter the list of logs. Enter tags, attributes, and keywords as necessary.

An example of the admin logs is as follows:

Admin logs

Refreshing Admin Logs

The Admin logs page refreshes periodically, and gets populated with details of new events and activities.

To manually refresh the logs list, do the following:

  • Click the refresh icon in the top-right corner of the page.