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User Roles and Permissions

There are three user roles in the HP Anyware for Windows 365 solution:

  1. Administrator
  2. User Admin
  3. User

The following table shows a list of permissions for each user role:

Permissions Administrator User Admin User
Grant Consent (A Tenant Admin who selects Grant Consent by default becomes administrator) Yes --- ---
Add/Activate/Delete Anyware License (Select a license to set it as active) Yes --- ---
Enable/Disable HP Anyware Agent Integration (Set up integrations) Yes --- ---
Activate HP Anyware Agent Yes Yes ---
Deactivate HP Anyware Agent Yes Yes ---
Re-register HP Anyware Agent Yes Yes ---
Refresh HP Anyware Agent (Upgrade to latest version) Yes Yes ---

How to change a role from User to User Admin

Entra ID Users shows a list of users with the following columns: Names, User Prinicipal Name, Activation Path, License Status, and Role.

To change a user's role from User to User Admin, follow these steps:

  1. For the selected user, click the down arrow under the Role column to expand and select the User Admin role.

  2. The selected user will now have the role of User Admin.

Updating a user's role to User Admin:

Role change