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Frequently Asked Questions

The following are answers to commonly asked questions when contemplating how to develop custom PCoIP Clients using the Teradici PCoIP Client SDK.

Q: Can I brand the pre-session client with my company logo and colors?

A: Yes. Your Teradici Cloud Access Platform agreement will contain detailed information about corporate logos. Follow the Teradici branding guide for including the PCoIP trademark in your final design.

Q: Are there guidelines for using the Teradici and PCoIP Brand?

A: Yes. Refer to for details.

Q: Does the SDK support localization?

A: Yes. In pre-session you have complete flexibility to create clients that incorporate customizations. In-session, you can use the locale parameter to pass a locale to ClientSession.

Q: Does my client need Teradici licenses to operate?

A: The client itself does not need a license to operate, but the PCoIP agents that it connects to do require licenses. License handling is performed by the PCoIP Broker or PCoIP agent, depending on the connection type. It is not handled by the client.

Q: How can I add additional functionality to my PCoIP Client?

A: If you have requirements that go beyond the default capabilities of the Client SDK, you can integrate the PCoIP Virtual Channel SDK. The Virtual Channel SDK gives you the ability to create custom PCoIP Virtual Channel plugins which stream data between clients and hosts.

Q: Will my client work with all PCoIP agents?

A: Yes. The PCoIP protocol works with Cloud Access and Cloud Access Plus.

Q: What support options are available for the Client SDK?

A: Teradici offers Developer Support and Professional Services options for SDKs and APIs. Please contact your Teradici account manager for details.