Updating the Connection Manager and Security Gateway¶
The Connection Manager and the Security Gateway components can be installed in an offline or online deployment, depending on your environment. The procedure for updating these components is different for both scenarios.
Note: Load Balancer
If you have a load balancer in front of a group of Connection Manager and Security Gateway virtual machines, you can configure the load balancer to stop sending new connections to the Connection Manager and Security Gateway while you are updating.
Updating an Offline Installation¶
If your deployment is offline (dark site), use this procedure.
Transfer the installation bundle to the production machine using any acceptable method, such as a USB flash drive or SCP.
Extract the bundle and move into the newly-created teradici-pcoip-cmsg-bundle directory:
- RHEL 9tar xzvf pcoip-cmsg-setup_darksite-<version>.el8.tar.gz cd teradici-pcoip-cmsg-bundle/dependencies
tar xzvf pcoip-cmsg-setup_darksite-<version>.el9.tar.gz cd teradici-pcoip-cmsg-bundle/dependencies
Install the Connection Manager:
sudo dnf install --allowerasing pcoip-cmsg-setup*.rpm --disablerepo="*" -y
Move back up one directory level and then install the Connection Manager and Security Gateway:
cd ../../ sudo pcoip-cmsg-setup install --darksite-bundle-path teradici-pcoip-cmsg-bundle <installation_flags>
Updating an Online Installation¶
To upgrade a Connection Manager and Security Gateway that can reach the public internet:
Important: Installation flags are required
If installation flags are absent, or are different from the original installation, the configuration on the new machine will be different.
Update the package:
dnf upgrade pcoip-cmsg-setup -y
Reinstall the package:
pcoip-cmsg-setup install <installation_flags>
To downgrade to an earlier version:
Downgrade the package:
dnf downgrade pcoip-cmsg-setup -y
Reinstall the package:
pcoip-cmsg-setup install <installation_flags>