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Compatibility Overview

Some features added to new releases of the Remote Workstation Card Software require firmware upgrades on the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card and/or PCoIP Client. We recommend that you install the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card Software release that corresponds to the corresponding version of Remote Workstation Card firmware.

Software Client Limitations

  • USB devices connected to PCoIP Software Client hosts are not supported when connecting to Remote Workstation Cards or Remote Workstation Card Agents.

  • Users cannot disable the local cursor feature while connected to the workstation from a soft client.

Graphic card temporal dithering

Temporal dithering is a technique employed by some graphics cards to simulate colors that they cannot natively display by rapidly changing the colors of pixels, thus tricking the eye into seeing “in-between” colors. During PCoIP remote sessions, temporal dithering can cause extremely high bandwidth utilization because the rapidly changing pixels force the PCoIP protocol to constantly deliver large screen updates to the remote desktop. Temporal dithering should be disabled on workstation graphics cards supporting PCoIP sessions. Consult your graphics card documentation or contact the card vendor for details on disabling temporal dithering. Knowledge Base article KB 1087 on the Support Site also contains information on disabling temporal dithering on some graphics cards.


Before installing this release of PCoIP Remote Workstation Card Software, ensure the following requirements are met:

Installation from Host PC

The Linux host operating system administrator must not install Remote Workstation Card Software from a software client as functionality of the mouse and keyboard will be lost.


The following firmware versions and settings must be used in your environment for Remote Workstation Card Software to function as expected.

  • Compatible host firmware and client: The Remote Workstation Card firmware and PCoIP client used with Remote Workstation Card Software must be the same version or include the immediate preceding version.

  • Enabled Host Driver Function: Ensure the Host Driver Function is enabled on the Remote Workstation Card. See section PCoIP Remote Workstation Card Software Installation.


Systems with nVIDIA GPUs must have the nVIDIA drivers installed and ready for use.

To verify your nVIDIA drivers are installed and ready for use

  • Execute lsmod | grep nvidia. If the response is populated with data, then the drivers are loaded and ready for use.

  • Execute lsmod | grep nouveau. A null response means open source nVIDIA drivers are not being used.

Linux Distributions

Remote Workstation Card host workstation must be operating a supported Linux distribution. Remote Workstation Card Software might work on other Linux distributions, but there are no guarantees. The following distributions are supported:

  • RHEL 8

  • Rocky Linux 8

  • RHEL 9

  • Rocky Linux 9


CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 reached end of life on June 30, 2024, and therefore, no longer supported.

Linux Configurations

The following Linux configuration must be setup in your Linux environment.

  • Sudo Permissions: The Linux host operating system administrator installing this package must be able to execute sudo commands.

  • Desktop environment: GNOME or KDE

  • Display Manager: X11 (Wayland is not supported)

    Rocky Linux display manager when using nVIDIA drivers

    Rocky Linux currently uses Wayland display manager by default. Rocky Linux environments using nVIDIA GPU's work by default because the nVIDIA driver installation currently disables the Wayland display manager. If you experience issues installing Remote Workstation Software for Linux on Rockly Linux with an nVIDIA GPU, ensure that the X11 display manager is being used instead of Wayland for both login screen and logged in system functionality.


The following software dependencies must be included in your Linux environment prior to installation of Remote workstation Card Host Software for Linux.

  • python 3

  • Qt 5.9 - 5.15

  • Tray Icons extension for RHEL 8 and Rocky Linux 8

  • RPM build tools

    • Compiler: gcc

    • Kernel header files required to build kernel driver: kernel-devel

    • Tools used to build RPM files: rpm-build


If you use a Wacom tablet your PCoIP host workstation requires the correct kernel. This means Wacom tablet users may have to update the Linux kernel Wacom driver. Supported tablet operation information can be found in the tablet section of this guide.