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Remote Workstation Card Software Configuration Files

When the Remote Workstation Card Software UI executable (pcoip_agent) starts, it reads configuration settings from two files: a local file and a global file. The local file is stored in ~/pcoip_agent and the global file is stored in /etc/pcoiphostswglobal.conf. The default name and location of the local and global files can be overridden by including the optional parameters -lc=</path/filename> and -gc=</path/filename> in the HostSWOptions setting in the daemon configuration file.

When the UI starts, it attempts to open the local configuration file and read settings from it. If the local file does not exist or a setting is not defined in the local file, the UI attempts to read the setting from the global configuration file. If the global configuration file does not exist or the setting is not defined in the file, the UI uses a default value.

While the UI runs it creates the local file if one does not exist and stores settings in it. This allows users to customize the configuration settings. This also allows administrators to configure the Remote Workstation Card Software default settings for first time users.

A sample global configuration file is provided with the Remote Workstation Card Software in kernel/linux/scripts/pcoiphostswglobal.conf. Administrators who want to use this feature should store a copy of the file in the /etc directory. Users who want to store the file somewhere else must include the -gc option in the HostSWOptions setting in the daemon configuration file.