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Unpacking the Source Code Package

To unpack the source code package:

  1. Download the rwc-software-XX.YY.Z.tar.gz package from the Support Site.
    The archive file contains the files necessary to create a binary RPM.

  2. Navigate to the Downloads folder.

    cd Downloads

  3. Extract the contents of the archive file into a new folder.

    mkdir PCoIP_Host_SW_Release
    tar -zxvf rwc-software-XX.YY.Z.tar.gz -C PCoIP_Host_SW_Release
  4. Open the new directory and check that the /pcoip_host_XX.YY.Z.axxxx folder is there.

    cd PCoIP_Host_SW_Release<br />ls

Subfolders created

Extracting rwc-software-XX.YY.Z.tar.gz creates additional sub-folders such as common, kernel, and user.