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Configuring the HP Anyware License Server

Offline Environments     Online Environments

The HP Anyware License Server requires minimal configuration. This section describes the configuration settings and options available.

Important: Configure Anyware Agents and Connection Managers

The HP Anyware License Server URL must be provided to the Connection Manager managing your Anyware agents, or to each of your Anyware Agents if you are not using a Connection Manager. The License Server URL format is:


If you have not configured your HP Anyware License Server to use HTTPS/TLS, use http:// instead of https://. We strongly recommend that you change the default protocol from http to https.

Password Rules

Passwords should be surrounded with single quotation marks like 'password', and must conform to the following rules:

  • Must be between 8 and 30 characters long
  • Must contain at least one lowercase letter
  • Must contain at least one uppercase letter
  • Must contain at least one digit
  • Must contain at least one symbol, excluding ' (single quote), " (double quote), \ (backslash), and spaces

Setting the License Server's Administrator Password

The License Server administrator's password is set using the pcoip-set-password command. You must have superuser (sudo) permissions to use pcoip-set-password.

  1. Make sure you have superuser (sudo) permissions on the license server.

  2. Invoke pcoip-set-password to set your new password.

    Note: Default password

    The default password in new installations is 1P@ssw0rd!, where the leading 1 is a numeral one and 0 is a zero. When setting the password on a clean installation, use this as your curent password.

    • If you do not supply any flags, you will be prompted for your current and new passwords:

      sudo pcoip-set-password
    • You can also supply the current and new password inline, by using -p and -n flags:

      sudo pcoip-set-password -p <current password> -n <new password>

You can specify the old and new passwords inline, by including the -p and -n flags; to do this, enter sudo pcoip-set-password -p <old_password> -n <new_password>. This method might expose your password via system loggers, and we strongly discourage it.

Registering Your Password as an Environment Variable

We recommend that you register your password as a system environment variable, which will allow you to run commands without providing the password inline via the -p flag. Providing the passwords inline can have security implications and we recommend against it. See Keeping Passwords Secure at the top of this page for more information and methods for mitigating the security concerns.

  • To register the password as an environment variable, run the following commands:

    export HISTIGNORE="export*"
    export TERADICI_LICENSE_SERVER_PASSWORD=<your_license_server_password>

Configuring the License Server's Listening Port

The HP Anyware License Server listens for communication from Anyware agents in your deployment on a defined listening port. By default, this listening port is set to 7070, but can be changed by specifying the PORT setting in the /opt/flexnetls/TERADICI/local-configuration.yaml configuration file.


We strongly recommend enabling HTTPS/TLS for secure communications with the HP Anyware License Server. For instructions, see Enabling TLS.

Important: Anyware agents and License Server must use the same port

Anyware agents are configured to use port 7070 by default. If you change the license server port, you must also change the configuration of all Anyware agents that use it.

  1. Open /opt/flexnetls/TERADICI/local-configuration.yaml in a text editor.

  2. Locate the port assignment line:

    # HTTP listening port. Default is 7070. You can bind to an interface with this syntax: '[].7070'.
    port: 7070
  3. Change the value of port to the new value. The port number must be an integer between 1 and 65535.

    Note: Reserved port numbers

    Port numbers below 1024 are reserved for processes running as root unless you are using port forwarding, or tools like setcap, setuid, or authbind.

  4. Save the file and exit the editor.

  5. Restart the license server for the new value to take effect:

    sudo systemctl restart flexnetls-TERADICI
  6. Update the configuration of any Anyware agents that communicate with this HP Anyware License Server. For instructions, see one of the following guides:

Assigning IP Addresses for License Server Communication

You can assign IP addresses along with ports for license server communication in the localconfiguration.yaml file. This is useful in scenarios where multiple network interfaces are present, and you want to reserve specific IP addresses for license server communication.


In the previous releases, the license server would not start after IP address assignment. This issue has now been fixed, and the license server starts as expected.

To do this:

  1. Open /opt/flexnetls/TERADICI/local-configuration.yaml in a text editor.

  2. Locate the port assignment line:

    port: 7070
  3. Add the IP address along with the port number in the following format: [ip].port.

    For example:

  4. Save your changes.