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Viewing License Information via Command Line

If you need to find license information and are having issues using the Management Console web interface, you can use the script to view licensing information such as the Fulfillment ID and Entitlement ID(activation code).

You can find the script in /opt/teradici/licensing/ folder.

Deactivating and Activating Licenses via Command Line

If you are using PCoIP Management Console Enterprise host operating system console, you can also deactivate the PCoIP Management Console Enterprise license by using the script.

To deactivate your Management Console license, run the following command:

/opt/teradici/licensing/ -f <fulfillment_ID>

To deactivate your Management Console license when it is behind a proxy, run the following command:

/opt/teradici/licensing/ -f <fulfillmentId> -p [<user:password>@] <proxyhost:port>

To activate your Management Console license, run the following command:

'/opt/teradici/licensing/ -k < entitlementID >'

To activate your Management Console license when it is behind a proxy, run the following command.

/opt/teradici/licensing/ -k <entitlementID> -p [<user:password>@ <proxyhost:port>