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Changing the Default Network Configuration

The PCoIP Management Console virtual machine requires Linux command knowledge or a network configuration tool such as NetworkManager-tui (textual user interface) to assign a static IP address or change the PCoIP Management Console’s default network configuration. The following example shows how to make this type of change using NetworkManager-tui. If your host Linux computer does not have this tool, you can install it using the following command sudo dnf install NetworkManager-tui. Do NOT modify the Hostname configuration with this tool. The Management Console host name should be set correctly in DNS.

Resetting the network interface for changes to take affect immediately

The command line method to restart the network no longer applies IP configuration changes. Using nmtui to activate and deactivate the network interface is the recommended way for your IP configuration changes to take affect immediately. This is user friendly and works seamlessly for AMI, RPM and OVA implementations of Management Console.

Tip: Ensure you have correct DNS A and DNS PTR records set

Before you run the Network Configuration Tool, be sure to set the correct DNS A record and DNS PTR record in your DNS server for the PCoIP Management Console. If the records are already set, ensure you use the same IP address associated with the DNS records.

Note: Give PCoIP Management Console a fixed IP address

We recommend that you give the PCoIP Management Console a fixed “static” IP address, either through a DHCP reservation or by Assigning a Static IP Address using the PCoIP Management Console’s network configuration tool. If a PCoIP Management Console is configured using DHCP and the IP address of the PCoIP Management Console changes, the endpoints it manages will be unable to connect to it.

Launching the PCoIP Management Console Network Configuration Tool

To launch the network configuration tool:

  1. Log in to the PCoIP Management Console virtual machine console. For instructions, see Accessing the PCoIP Management Console Virtual Machine Console.

  2. Type the following command at the command line to launch the network configuration tool:
    sudo nmtui
    Network Manager Tool
    Network Manager Configuration Tool

    Info: Default configuration

    The default configuration for IPv4 is DHCP based, identified by { Automatic }.
    Network Tool Automatic Screen

    Tip: Configurable Interactive Elements

    Angle brackets contain interactive elements that can provide further selections, and OK or Cancel changes. Use the keyboard Tab or arrow keys to move between interactive elements.

    Select to access additional configurable elements.
    Network Tool Edit Connection

Assigning a Static IP Address

To assign a static IP address using the PCoIP Management Console’s network configuration tool:

  1. Launch the PCoIP Management Console’s network configuration tool.

    sudo nmtui

  2. Select Edit a connection.

  3. Select your correct connection such as wired connection 1 (for RPM installs it may be referred to as eth0) and press the Enter key.

    Note: Shown next are example IP addresses

    The IP addresses shown next are for example purposes only. Enter your own information.

    Important: Correctly identifying subnets

    Addresses and subnets must be correctly defined otherwise the PCoIP Management Console will not operate. Subnets are defined through the slash notation used in the Addresses field. The example of /24 represents Your network may use different subnet sizes.

  4. To access configurable parameters, tab to and configure your IPv4/IPv6 parameters:

    • IPv4/IPv6 CONFIGURATION: Set to Manual for a static IP configuration. Be sure to enter your correct network details, see screen shot below.

    • Addresses: Enter the IP address you selected for your Management Console, ensuring you use the appropriate slash notation to define your subnet mask.

    • Gateway: Enter your default gateway IP address for the Management Console's network.

    • DNS servers: Enter the IP address of your DNS servers.

    • Search domains: Enter the domains used in your deployment in the format of mydomain.local.

    • Routing: Enter your networks routing requirements.

    Network Tool Edit Connection

  5. Set manual address:

    • Tab to IPv4 CONFIGURATION and change Automatic to Disabled if setting a static IPv6 address.

    • Tab to IPv6 CONFIGURATION and change Automatic to Ignore if setting a static IPv4 address.

  6. Tab to { OK } and press Enter.

  7. Tab to { Back } and press Enter to get to the main screen of the network configuration tool.

  8. Reactivate your network so your changes take affect.

    1. Tab and highlight Activate a connection and press Enter.
      This brings you to the next screen which will allow you to highlight the connection you made your changes to.

    NMTUI Activate Connection

    1. With the connection you made your changes to highlighted in above steps such as wired connection 1 or eth0, ensure { Deactivate } is highlighted and press Enter to deactivate your connection.

    NMTUI DeActivate

    1. Ensure { Activate } is highlighted and press Enter to activate your connection.

    NMTUI Activate

  9. Tab to { Back } and press Enter to get to the main screen of the network configuration tool.

  10. Highlight Quit and tab to OK to exit nmtui.