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Enabling Analog Audio Input

Analog Audio can be enabled from the Management Console by configuring the Enable Analog Audio Input property in the CLIENT DUAL and CLIENT QUAD profiles. This property controls the analog audio input when connecting to a virtual machine.

Enable Analog Audio Input depends on the Enable Audio property. When Enable Audio is enabled, Enable Analog Audio Input can be set to "Enabled" or "Disabled".

To enable analog audio input:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Create a new profile by clicking PROFILE > NEW PROFILE.

    • Edit an existing profile by selecting a profile, and then clicking EDIT.

  2. Click Session.

  3. Ensure that Enable Audio is enabled. If Enable Audio is disabled or not set and attempts are made to enable or disable Enable Analog Audio Input, profile creation fails with the following message: To enable or disable the Enable Analog Audio Input, ensure that the Enable Audio is enabled.

  4. In the AUDIO INPUT area, set Enable Analog Audio Input to "Enabled" or "Disabled".

    Enable Analog Audio Input

    If the Enable Analog Audio Input property is enabled or Not Set, and attempts are made to disable Enable Audio, profile creation fails with the following message: To disable the Enable Audio, ensure that the Enable Analog Audio Input is disabled.

  5. Save your changes.

The Enable Analog Audio Input property can be viewed in the endpoint details page.

Note: Applying Profiles Created in Versions Earlier than 23.12.2

If a profile is created in version earlier than 23.12.2 for Zero Clients running firmware 23.12.x and with Enable Audio disabled, while applying this profile in version 23.12.2, ensure that Enable Analog Audio Input is disabled.