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System Requirements

The PCoIP Management Console is intended for deployment within a secured corporate network for the management of PCoIP endpoints that are internal or external (Enterprise) to the network.

Note: PCoIP Management Console must not be accessible from unsecured networks

The PCoIP Management Console must only be accessible by endpoints from the open Internet as described within this guide. Any other exposure to the open Internet is an unsupported use of the product and will void any warranty.

Management Console Formats

PCoIP Management Console is released in three formats that feature Rocky Linux 8 64 bit as the PCoIP Management Console installation OS. The first called Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) format with supported hypervisor platforms of VMware ESXi 6.5, 6.7 and 7.0. The second format is the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) format for services delivered using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The third format is RPM which is one standard for Linux Administrators to manage software installations.

MC Upgrade Dependency Packages for Online and Darksite

RPM formatted versions of PCoIP Management Console may require additional steps for MC RPM upgrades or licensing. Upgrades occasionally require dependency updates to your Management Console host operating system before using the Management Console RPM.

If you are an Online or Dark Site user, you must have all the available MC RPM dependencies installed in the Management Console host operating system prior to the RPM upgrade.

The following RPM packages have been provided for download and are included in installation and upgrade instructions when needed to get you up and running quickly.

  • RHEL8 MC Upgrade dependency package: This package contains PostgreSQL 15, Python 3.9, and upgrade scripts.

  • For installations that require licensing when there is no internet access see Managing Licenses Offline.

System Configuration and Requirements

Update your software to the current release

From time to time, updates may be made available from support, or the OS developers. While we recommend staying current on releases, it is also recommended that you test updates on a test system prior to upgrading your production system or back up a snapshot of the PCoIP Management Console before running the update.

PCoIP Management Console requires the following minimum system configuration and requirements:

OVA format AMI format RPM format
  • 4 CPUs
  • 12 GB RAM
  • 62 GB hard drive space
  • 4 vCPUs
  • 12 GB RAM
  • 62 GB hard drive space
  • Recommended instance type: m5.xlarge
  • 4 CPUs or vCPUs
  • 12 GB RAM
  • 20 GB free hard drive space 1
  • Rocky Linux 8.10 and 9.5
  • RHEL 8.10 and 9.5
  • Caution: Lowering minimum system requirements

    Changing minimum system requirements, such as lowering RAM to 4 GB may produce error messages such as Waiting for the server to start. Please refresh the page to try again

    Minimum requirements help ensure you have the greatest chance for a successful deployment.

    Licensing for PCoIP Management Console

    PCoIP Management Console requires access to the activation server on the Internet, directly on port 443 or via a proxy, in order to activate a license. For more information, please see Managing Licenses Online.

    Port Numbers

    The PCoIP Management Console uses the following ports with both formats:

    • Inbound port 443: HTTPS for access to the web interface (administrative interface)
    • Inbound port 5172: PCoIP Management Protocol (management interface)
    • Outbound port 5172: PCoIP Management Protocol required for manual discovery only
    • Outbound port 443: HTTPS (licensing interface)
    • Inbound port 8080: Redirects port 80 to 8080
    • Inbound port 8443: Redirects port 443 to 8443
    • Inbound port 22: TCP (for SSH)


    • IP Address Configuration

      The PCoIP Management Console supports both pure-IPv4 and pure-IPv6 networks, and can join any network that is using DHCP. The PCoIP Management Console also supports static IP addressing. HP recommends giving the PCoIP Management Console a fixed IP address, either through a DHCP reservation or by assigning a static IP address. See Assigning a Static IP Address and Using IPv6 for further details.

    • Network Latency

      PCoIP Management Console supports networks with latency under 100 ms.

    Browser Compatibility

    PCoIP Management Console supports the release of each browser available at the time of product release, with the exception of Internet Explorer:

    • Firefox
    • Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge

    PCoIP Endpoint Firmware

    HP recommends using the latest version of firmware for PCoIP endpoints. For the latest information on current and supported versions, see the HP Support Center for your product page.

    PCoIP Management Console requires PCoIP endpoints have a minimum firmware release installed

    Management Console 20.xx can manage PCoIP Zero Client firmware 5.x and newer. Check release notes for any special considerations when managing firmware with Management Console.

    1. Minimum 20 GB of FREE disk space dedicated specifically to Management Console use. You can increase this recommended size by the space necessary for the Rocky Linux operating system and any other files required on your Linux system.