Connecting to PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards¶
You can move high-performance Windows or Linux workstations with PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards into your data center, and configure sessions between Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients and these workstation hosts over a LAN or WAN. This type of configuration provides a secure, reliable, and easy-to-manage solution that meets the needs of users who have dedicated computers with graphically demanding applications.
Direct connections with no-IP networks
While PCoIP Zero Clients and Remote Workstation Cards can be configured to be directly connected via a no-IP network (a cable connecting both units together with no network devices in between), it is not a configuration that is supported by Teradici. For more information see KB 1297.
This topic includes information on the following sections:
Before connecting a Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client to a PCoIP Remote Workstation Card, ensure that the following conditions are met:
The PCoIP Remote Workstation Card and Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client have compatible firmware versions. For information on how to upload firmware, see Uploading Firmware.
You have the correct certificates installed and configured on both devices. See About Certificates
You are running a supported OS on the workstation and the Teradici PCoIP Host Software is installed. For details, see PCoIP® Host Software for Windows User Guide or PCoIP® Host Software for Linux User Guide. If you are using a VMware Connection Server as a broker, View Agent must also be installed on the host PC or workstation.
The Host Driver Function is enabled on the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card.
Your network resources meet bandwidth, QoS, latency, jitter, and packet loss requirements. For more information about designing PCoIP network architecture, see PCoIP Session Planning Administrators' Guide.
Configuration Options¶
The following session connection types are available for PCoIP Zero Client-to-PCoIP Remote Workstation Card connections:
Best Security Practices
Teradici highly recommends using custom peer-to-peer certificates to create a more secure environment when connecting to your Remote Workstation Card. Contact your IT department to ensure your deployment is in accordance with your Company's security policy. See Peering Zero Clients to Remote Workstation Cards for details.
Connecting Statically Direct to Host¶
To statically configure a Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client to connect directly to a specific PCoIP Remote Workstation Card, use the Direct to Host session connection type. You will need to provide the DNS name or IP address of the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card for this option.
You also need to configure a Direct from Client session connection type on the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card. You have the option of enabling the host to accept a connection request from any client or from a specific client only. If the latter, you need to provide the client’s MAC address.
For details about how to configure the session connection type, see the following topics in the GUI Reference:
Connecting Using SLP Host Discovery¶
If PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards reside on the same subnet as Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients, you can use the Direct to Host + SLP session connection type to configure clients to use Service Location Protocol (SLP) to discover the PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards on the subnet. With this configuration, the client OSD will list the first 10 cards discovered. The end user can select the desired one and connect to it.
Do not select SLP host discovery with more than 10 hosts
SLP host discovery is not suitable for deployments with more than 10 hosts if a Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client requires an ongoing connection. In this situation, a connection broker is required.
You also need to configure a Direct from Client session connection type on the PCoIP Remote Workstation Card. You have the option of enabling the host to accept a connection request from any Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client or from a specific one only. If the latter, you need to provide the client’s MAC address.
For details about how to configure the session connection type, see the following topics in the GUI Reference:
Connecting using Cloud Access Manager¶
Cloud Access Manager enables brokering host PCs containing PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards with a Remote Workstation Card Agent installed to Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients based on the identity of the user establishing a connection from the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client. The PCoIP Remote Workstation Card Agent for Windows introduces Teradici brokering to a Teradici Remote Workstation Card deployment, allowing the desktop to be managed by Teradici Cloud Access Manager or by third-party brokers like Leostream. Cloud Access Manager is best suited smaller Remote Desktop Card deployments.
Cloud Access Manager requires the PCoIP Connection Manager session connection type.
For more information, see Connection broker support with PCoIP technology (1044
For details about how to configure the session connection type, see the following topics in the GUI Reference:
Connecting Using a Third-Party Connection Broker¶
A third-party connection broker is a resource manager that dynamically assigns host PCs containing PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards to Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients based on the identity of the user establishing a connection from the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client. Connection brokers are also used to allocate a pool of hosts to a group of Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients. They are typically used in large PCoIP deployments, or when hosts and clients do not reside on the same subnet.
Third-party brokers use the PCoIP Connection Manager session connection type.
For more information, see Connection broker support with PCoIP technology (1044
For details about how to configure the session connection type, see the following topics in the GUI Reference:
Connecting Using the View Connection Server¶
You can also use a View Connection Server to broker a connection between Tera2 PCoIP Zero Clients and PCoIP Remote Workstation Cards.
For details about how to configure the session connection type, see the following topics in the GUI Reference:
For this option, VMware View Agent must be installed on the remote workstation, and a number of other configuration requirements for both the client and host must be in place. For complete details, refer to Using PCoIP® Host Cards with VMware View.
Connecting Using Cloud Access Manager or a Third Party Broker¶
To connect using a broker:
If using Using Cloud Access Manager or a Third Party Broker, ensure the Remote Workstation Card Agent is installed on the remote workstation.
Identifying the Remote Workstation Card Agent is Installed
Once the Remote Workstation Card Agent is installed on the host PC, the PCoIP Control Panel icon will be displayed in the list of active programs running on your taskbar. Hover your mouse over the PCoIP icon to confirm the PCoIP Control Panel is installed. In most cases you will also have the PCoIP Host Software installed.
From the Options > Configuration > Session menu on the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client’s OSD, select one of the following connection types:
View Connection Server if you are using a VMware broker
PCoIP Connection Manager if you are using Cloud Access Manager or a third-party broker.
Enter the DNS name or IP address of the broker, and click OK.
Click the Connect button.
When prompted, enter your remote workstation’s login credentials.
Advanced settings
For details about advanced settings, see View Connection Server or PCoIP Connection Manager.