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Configuring IPv6 Network Settings

Setting Default AWI OSD Management Console
Enable IPv6 Disabled
Link Local Address ×
IPv6 Gateway
Enable DHCPv6
DHCPv6 Addresses (read only) × ×
Primary DNS (IPv6)
Secondary DNS (IPv6)
Domain Name
Enable SLAAC
SLAAC Addresses (read only) × ×
Enable Manual Address ×
Manual Address × ×

Options on the OSD and AWI IPv6 pages (shown next), enable you to change the network settings for your device.

Alt text
OSD IPv6 page

Alt text
AWI IPv6 page

Restart your device

When you make a change to one of the settings on this page, you must reboot your device for the change to take effect.

The following parameters display on the OSD and AWI IPv6 pages:

IPv6 Parameters

Parameter Description
Enable IPv6 Select the check box to enable IPv6 for your PCoIP devices.
Link Local Address This field is automatically populated.
Gateway Enter the IPv6 gateway address.
Enable DHCPv6 Select the check box to set up Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6 (DHCPv6) for your device.
DHCPv6 Addresses (AWI only) When DHCPv6 is enabled and the device is rebooted, the server automatically populates these fields with addresses for the device.
Primary DNS The device’s primary DNS IP address. If DHCPv6 is enabled, this field is automatically populated by the DHCPv6 server.
Secondary DNS The device’s secondary DNS IP address. If DHCPv6 is enabled, this field is automatically populated by the DHCPv6 server.
Domain Name The domain name used (for example, domain.local) for the client. If DHCPv6 is enabled, this field is automatically populated by the DHCPv6 server.
FQDN The fully qualified domain name for the client. If DHCPv6 is enabled, this field is automatically populated by the DHCPv6 server.
Enable SLAAC Select the check box to set up Stateless Address Auto-configuration (SLAAC) for your devices.
SLAAC Addresses (AWI only) When SLAAC is enabled and the device is rebooted, these fields are automatically populated.
Enable Manual Address Select this check box to set up a manual (static) address for the device.
Manual Address Enter the IP address for the device.

To configure IPv6 settings:

  1. Open the IPv6 page:
    • From the OSD, select Options > Configuration > IPv6.
    • From the AWI, select Configuration > IPv6.
  2. From the IPv6 page, update the IPv6 network settings.
  3. To save your updates, click OK from the OSD, or click Apply from the AWI.
  4. Reboot your device for the updates to take place.