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Configuring OSD Language

Setting Default AWI OSD Management Console
Language English
Keyboard Layout US
OSD Region Tab Lockout Disabled ×

When you configure OSD language settings, you configure the language to use for the OSD user interface, as well as the keyboard layout to use when you type information within the OSD. Note that updating the OSD language doesn't affect the language setting for the actual PCoIP session.

You can update language settings from both the OSD and AWI. From the AWI, you can also enable a setting to prevent users from changing the language settings (as well as the time zone) from the OSD.

From the OSD Region page, as shown next, you can update language and keyboard settings.

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OSD Region page

From the AWI Language page, as shown next, you can update language and keyboard settings. In addition, you can enable a setting to prevent users from changing the configuration on the OSD Region page.

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AWI Language page

To update language settings:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the OSD, select Options > User Settings > Region
    • From the AWI, select Configuration > Language.
  2. From the OSD Region page or the AWI Language page, do the following:
    • From the Language list, select the language to use for the OSD user interface.
    • From the Keyboard Layout list, select the keyboard layout to use when you type information within the OSD. When a session starts, this setting is pushed to the virtual machine. If the PCoIP Use Enhanced Keyboard on Windows Client if available GPO setting is configured to enable the keyboard layout setting, the layout is used during the user’s session.
    • (AWI only) Select or clear the OSD Region Tab Lockout check box. When selected, users can't change the settings on the OSD Region page.
  3. To save your updates, click OK from the OSD, or click Apply from the AWI.