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Controlling Sessions

Setting Default AWI OSD Management Console
Connect (a button) Enabled if a session is disconnected / Disabled if a session is connected × ×
Disconnect (a button) Enabled if a session is connected / Disabled if a session is disconnected × ×

The AWI Session Control page, as shown next, displays current status of the session (for example, connected, connection pending, or disconnected), and enables you to manually disconnect from or connect to a session.

Alt text
AWI Session Control page

The following parameters display on the AWI Session Control page:

Session Control Parameters

Parameter Description
Connection State This field displays the current state of the session. Options include the following:
  • Disconnected
  • Connection Pending
  • Connected
Two buttons appear below the Connection State field:
  • Connect: If the connection state is Disconnected, click this button to initiate a PCoIP session between the client and its peer device. If the connection state is Connection Pending or Connected, this button is disabled.
  • Disconnect: If the connection state is Connected or Connection Pending, click this button to end the PCoIP session for the device. If the connection state is Disconnected, this button is disabled.
Peer IP Peer IP Address: Displays the IP address for the peer device. When not in session, this field is blank.
Peer MAC Address Peer MAC Address: Displays the MAC address of the peer device. When not in session, this field is blank.

To manually disconnect from or connect to a session:

  1. From the AWI, select Diagnostics > Session Control.
  2. From the AWI Session Control page, you can:
    • View the connection status.
    • Click Connect to initiate a PCoIP session.
    • Click Disconnect to end the PCoIP session.