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Configuring Endpoint Event Logs

Setting Default AWI OSD Management Console
Enable Event Log Enabled ×
Enable Syslog Disabled ×
Identify Syslog Host By
(IP Address / FQDN)
Syslog Host Port 514 ×
Syslog Facility 19 – local use 3 ×
Syslog Enable Metadata ×
Syslog Connection Type UDP ×
Client Certificate empty ×
Enhanced logging mode Disabled ×

Performing Logging Tasks from the OSD

With the event log enabled, you can view, refresh and clear event log messages stored on your Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client from the OSD.

To view or clear event log messages:

  1. From the OSD, select Options > Diagnostics > Event Log.

  2. From the OSD Event Log page:

    • Event log messages stored on the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client are displayed.

    • Click Refresh to refresh the log information displayed on the page.

    • Click Clear to delete all the event log messages stored on the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client.

Providing Event Log Files to Support

Log files from an endpoint are captured by simply highlighting the event log, then copy and pasting the entries to a text file.

Alt text
OSD Event Log

Performing Logging Tasks from the AWI

Disabling the Event Log

You can disable the event log using the AWI and deselecting the Enable Event Log option which removes further configurable options from view.

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AWI - Disabled Event Log

Enabling and Configuring the Event Log

Enabling the AWI allows you to configure additional logging tasks such as:

  • Enabling and configuring syslog as the logging protocol to use to collect and report events. Additional information on Syslog can be found in Configuring Syslog.

  • Enabling enhanced logging mode for specific components, such as USB or video components.

The following steps will allow you to view and obtain the necessary log entries to troubleshoot any issues with your endpoint.

  1. From the AWI, browse to Diagnostics > Event Log and ensure the Enable Event Log check box is selected.

    Alt text
    AWI Event Log page

  2. Select any of the following actions.

    • Select the View button to display event log messages stored on the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client using the F5 to refresh the browser page displaying the log information.

    • Select the Clear button to delete all the event log messages stored on the Tera2 PCoIP Zero Client and start logging events from a time of your choosing.

    • If you require enhanced logging details to help troubleshoot a specific type of problem with a Tera2 PCoIP endpoint, select an enhanced logging category and click Apply > Continue. See the event log parameters table below for further descriptions of each enhanced log parameter.

      To return to normal logging mode, click Disable and then Apply > Continue.

      Enhanced Settings

      • Enhanced logging may be enabled for only one category at a time.

      • Enhanced logging mode messages can be located in the event log by their Level 3 (LVL:3) designation, which indicates a debug-level message.

Providing Event Log Files to Support

Log files from an endpoint are captured by simply highlighting the event log, then copy and pasting the entries to a text file.

The following parameters display on the AWI Event Log page.

AWI Event Log Parameters

Parameter Description
Enable Event Log When this feature is enabled, logging occurs in verbose mode, and all event log and syslog options display.

When this feature is disabled, the logging options are hidden. Disabling the event log disables logging in the AWI and OSD, deletes existing persistent event logs, and stops verbose messages being sent to configured syslog server.
Event Log Messages
  • View (AWI) Click to open a browser page that displays the event log messages (with timestamp information) stored on the device. Press F5 to refresh the browser page log information.
  • Clear (OSD/AWI) Click to delete all event log messages stored on the device.
Enable Syslog Enable or disable the syslog standard as the logging mechanism for the device.

Note: If you enable syslog, you must configure the remaining fields. If you disable syslog, you can't edit the fields.
Identify Syslog Host By Choose if the syslog server host is identified by its IP address or by its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
The configurable parameter that displays depends on which option you choose to identify the syslog server host.
  • IP Address: Enter the IP address for the syslog server host.
  • FQDN: Enter the DNS name for the syslog server host.
If you enter an invalid IP address or DNS name, a message appears to prompt you to correct it.
If Syslog Connection Type is TCP with TLS the uploaded public certificate for the syslog server must have the common name match the value defined here (either IP address or FQDN).
Syslog Host Port Enter the port number of the syslog server. The default port number value is 514 for UDP, See IANA Syslog Ports.
Syslog Facility The facility is a number attached to every syslog message. The number categorizes the source of the syslog messages. The facility is part of the standard syslog header and all syslog servers can interpret it.

Enter a facility to suit your logging needs. For example, you could configure devices as follows:
  • Zero clients to use facility 19
  • Cisco routers to use facility 20
  • VMware ESX hosts to use facility 21
The default facility is set to '19 – local use 3'. Cisco routers default to '23 – local use 7'.
Syslog Enable Metadata When enabled, each syslog message will prefix the message with the PCoIP Device Name and the Generic Tag. When disabled, the metadata will be omitted.
Syslog Connection Type
  • UDP (Default)
  • TCP
  • TCP with TLS (most secure)
Client Certificate Required for secure TCP with TLS connection types that require Mutual Authentication of both server and client. Use this to select the client certificate from the endpoint certificate store.
Note a client certificate must be uploaded to the certificate store prior to selection and must contain both the private key and public certificate information. See (Upload Certificate - reference)
Enhanced logging mode Enhanced logging mode categories:
  • Audio: Provides enhanced audio-related details, such as audio compression levels and audio bandwidth. Enable this mode if you are experiencing any problems with audio quality.
  • Management Console: Provides debug-level details for the connection state between the device and the MC. Enable this mode if you are having trouble connecting to or managing the device using the MC.
  • Networking: Provides socket-level details for a device’s network connections. Enable this mode for network-related issues—for example, if the device cannot connect to a peer or broker, or if it cannot get an IP address from a DHCP server.
  • OneSign: Provides enhanced logging for connections using Imprivata’s OneSign Single Sign-On proximity cards. Enable this mode to see debug-level messages between a device and a OneSign authentication server.
  • Session Negotiation: Provides pre-session messaging details, such as the full feature set advertised by each device. Enable this mode for low-level session negotiation details.
  • SmartCard: Provides debug-level messages for smart cards. Enable this mode if you experience trouble tapping or logging in using a smart card.
  • System: Provides heartbeat details about the device, such as ambient temperature. Enable this mode for system-level problems.
  • USB: Provides details of the traffic between the device and any connected USB devices. Enable this mode if you are experiencing problems with a connected USB device.
  • Video: Displays enhanced image-related logging information. Enable this mode for image problems, monitor problems, or display topology issues.