Host Display Health Check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide
Summary To receive a detailed host diagnostic report, create a host agent  support/log file bundle  and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP  health check   tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The …
Client Display Health Check - Diagnostics and troubleshooting guide
Summary To receive a detailed client diagnostic report, create a client  support/log file bundle  and then submit this bundle to the PCoIP  health check   tool.  Once the files are submitted, it will take 5-10 minutes to produce a detailed report.  The …
FAQ's HP Anyware Manager/Connector
FAQ's - HP Anyware Connector    General  Health Checks Troubleshooting   The Certificate for the Domain Controller is Untrusted or Invalid Failed to communicate with Connection Manager Unable to connect to Please enter a new …